Art by, MaggotsBoy
My name is Biffy Jones. I really love Poohs Adventures!
I was born in a shack in Nova Scotia, Manitoba, Crisp Falls, Shark Stink, Iowa. I like to pooh with my friends! I like Pooh, Peeh, Piglet, Thomas, Thimas, Thimble, Trumboola, Robert Planch, Albert Clench, and Compact Disk.
I started Poohing in 2005 and I am currently 12 years old. March on, brothers!
This is a photo of me. Hope you look forward to my future Pooh Advencher endeavors! Mommy Hommamo says I can‘t do this for the rest of my life but I cut the brake lines on her bike so we‘ll see who‘s sloshing soon!
Creator / Writer of:
Aluchaquin | Virgora | Zanni | Crawlerz | Detix | Gondii | Kheiron | Steinculus | Smeeper | Aptropoise | Parisque | Vanderglory |
Ploaxomats | Planet Z | Scchllrvrth |
Baudette | Dentine | Fungal Snake | Goblin | Sapper |
Baby | BuckinghamXXI | Buckingham |
Minotaur | Ampelos |
Artist of:
Circe | Heraculunkulus |
Skokakrio | Speddari | Tourist | Aluchaquin | Unidolencia | Virgora | Zanni | Copez | Detix | Didaskaloi | Dwalk | Eeemen | Eparai | Gnosis | Gorgorse | Helixian | Heredoggo | Jerce | John Rodriguez | Kheiron | Kitsche | Libraille | Mandgi | Nonny Mice | Oquinta | Steinculus | Aptropoise | Criumb | Swollows | Axamola | Parisque | Vanderglory |
Dentine |
Siren | Nemean | Minotaur | Umbra | Eidolon | Gorgon | Ampelos |