Art by, GuardianofAllator
Common Jobs: Potters, Anything related to handmade things, Engineers, Babysitters
Likes: Pots, Friends, Talking, Helping, Kids, Originality, Bread
Dislikes: Bad quality pots, Copied Pots, Talking about emotions, War, Being Lonely, Dull or Bored
Attack Method: Pecking and headbutts, if that does not work, they run away.
They usually believe in the "Greater mother swan", building pots as offerings to this mother.
Duckariums are a duck-like species that are about six feet tall, with about four antennae on their heads. These four antennas end with a small ball that functions as the eyes of the duckarium beyond their normal eyes. Although they are extremely similar to ducks, they have more kinship with snails and slugs, explaining their various behaviors and a bit of their biology.
They are large in size and also almost always portrayed with a vase on their head, even though they do not always use pots and may wear items ranging from boxes to even buckets. All in all, they usually only leave two antennas out and two inside the pot, and even though they have these antennas as eyes many species often think they are blind.
When young, duckariums rarely wear any headgear unlike the adults, leaving the viewer with only a small duck to view. The first pot they use will always be a pot they build themselves. Many duckarium parents take this first pot very seriously and buy the best quality material for their children.
The only difference between several duckariums are their vases, since most of them usually have similar colors. It is extremely rare to have two duckariums with similar pots. The colors of most duckarium are, but not limited to, yellow, black, white, and brown.
Ducklings of the duckariums are generally shy, which is the opposite of adults who are extremely social. Although they wear pots to hide their feelings, they love to make friends and usually will try to make many, and even though they can be irritating and noisy they are never malicious. Sometimes duckariums will suddenly isolate themselves from acquaintances to meet other people.
One of the most notorious things about duckariums is the pots that they wear on their heads. They are used religiously as offerings, hats and even are treated as sacred objects. Duckariums build some of the best pots in the universe, and easily win contests that are related to building a pot by hand, and other types of handcrafting. It may be noted that duckariums are slightly obsessed about pots, as the pot is one of the tools that have helped them most throughout history.
When two duckariums meet extremely similar or identical pots, they both take the pots off their respective heads and throw them on the ground, breaking them. The two will then run away and head back home to build a more original pot to use. When the two duckariums meet again, they will apologize and even give gifts.
Although they are best known for their pots, an interesting fact is that nearly every duckarium is extremely maternal. In many cases, a duckerium would break all pots that they have just to earn or adopt a child. Caring for children is considered noble to them and parenting comes easily to them, going so far as to even take care of crewmembers like their own children. If a duckarium sees an egg, it will automatically pick up and care for it, even if it is from a predatory species or enemy.
It is a normal thing to see a duckarium carrying a child, an egg, or something similar, which they do very often, even if the object is not a child.
Strangely, one of the things duckariums hate most is talking about their own feelings, and they will try to avoid it as much as possible. One way of stressing a duckarium out is to specifically try to talk about their feelings with them. Despite this problem, they usually are very happy to take care of other people's feelings and stress.
One of the only times one might see a Duckarium without a pot is when it is broken or the duckarium is eating, in both cases they will try not to be seen. When someone sees a duckarium without a pot, they will try to cover themselves with the closest thing.
Duckariums are great helpers and will try anything to help those in need. They are widely used in ships as engineers, nonetheless, they have great incentive, treating each member as their own child, despite their own problems. A quack for the duckariums is similar to a hiccup or a tic, they usually do not realize when it happens and they feel very humiliated if someone points out when they quack. It is extremely scary to be unknowingly quacking for them.
At the start of history, there were giant birds that used bones for armor and helmets. They looked like eagles and had a single thought in their mind, to kill. Incredibly, this species entered the Anatida's ecosystem to eat babies of various species and even rivals in a crazy attempt to extinguish them. A furious, unstoppable and parasitic species that evolution mourns for its creation. But strangely, this species did not attack a strange and unique being, the duckariums. They would employ and enslave them to take care of the grand nests around the lakes. While the duckariums took care of everything, eagle-like beings evolved technologically in quite strange ways in an attempt to more easily kill their opponents.
Houses were built around the lakes to form fortresses, metals were forged to make swords, and electricity was found to electrocute people. The process kept going with eagles forming flocks around lakes, cities, and having wars on giant scales, meanwhile, the duckariums remained untouched, enslaved and taking care of things. Some swasks and duckariums escaped, and they would live hidden and away from the eagles where life was peaceful for them.
While the eagles population slowly died out, nearing on extinction, the population of duckariums grew. The last battle between eagles took place in one of the greatest mountains of Anatida, touched only by a group of escaped swasks.
There was an inn in the midst of the battlefield formed of swasks who escaped, forming generations and generations of freed swasks. When the battle began, there were two swask pups, who were frightened by the battle, nearly getting killed many times. They fell to the ground, hurting themselves because of the great cannons noises causing tremors in the earth, and infernal noises. This was the worst mistake the eagles could have made.
The entire group of swasks left the inn and saw the two pups injured. An immense conflict was created, and although the swasks were in smaller numbers, their attacks were extremely violent and too fast for the eagles to keep up. The swasks had many deaths on their side, but the eagles had even greater losses. Even when the few remaining eagles had escaped the swasks had already hatched a plan to destroy all of the eagles.
Fortunately, for the swasks, finding and killing the remaining eagles was easy. The remaining eagels were unable to hold in their rage, and kept fighting each other, making it clear to anyone nearby where they were. Thus, the duckariums were freed and became the new dominant species of Anatida.
Ghosee: Smaller than a swask, but larger than a duckarium. Commonly between white and brown, though sometimes has a dark feathered face. They are usually the opposite of the other duckariums, having a strange appreciation for scaring children. Wearing a mask of terror and a costume, they usually try to scare the children in some way, even if they are not attempting to. They'll usually use what they have in their reach, from horror stories to writing books.
Swask: They are larger, stronger, but less agile than the duckarium. All swasks are white and wear masks, and are known to be extremely violent when it comes to protecting children, Swasks are noble to the duckariums. Some even become kings or queens of small parts of Anatida. The worst thing you can do is to annoy a mother swask.
Mother's Eyes: The antennas inside the pot are not useless, and are used for another function, a strange type of natural radar that works to detect young beings, from larvae for food or children they take care of. It is quite useful for the day-to-day life of various duckariums to detect their children, although it does not serve to detect other things.
Ariesa: The ariesa and the duckarium have a fairly good relationship with one another, the sun ariesa enjoy creating and providing new pots and pot making techniques for the duckarium, while the moon ariesa enjoy acting act guardians for the younger ducks. Though the relationship between the two was rocky at first, it quickly escalated to one of mutual benefit. The duckariums are provided pots and guardians for their young, and the ariesa are provided a new trade partner and the occasional new disciple or student.
BVo9: BVo9 are friends to the duckarium, as duckariums are good at fixing things and are the most noble riders they can think of, as they even come with their own helmets. Some BVo9 have decals or murals of swasks imprinted on their coats or their garage walls. Duckariums, on the other hand, are iffy about being near BVo9 as they are loud, give off noxious gasses, and are a hazard to any younglings that are waddling nearby. BVo9 are not allowed in certain duckarium 'children safety zones' (actually, there are simply very slow speed limits there, which amounts to a ban) and duckarium law only allows a duckarium to ride a BVo9 after having reached a certain age and passing a skills test. A historic attempt to make a bus out of BVo9 for duckarium ducklings ended in tragedy.
Gemimi: When the duckariums first met the gemimi, they were appalled by their corpse puppets, but were delighted to see how friendly and gentle they were with children. Duckariums, being famously known for their crafting skills gave puppets to gemimi, and the gemimi would replace decaying flesh puppets with the new ones fashioned out of wood or cloth. This started a rather big trade network between the two, with gemimis babysitting for duckariums or being entertainers for the puppets they needed.
Carcili: The relationship between duckarium and carcili is, to put it lightly, strained. The duckarium, despite being more resistant to the wandering dreams of the carcili than most of the system's residents, strongly dislike the violation of other beings minds, despite the involuntary nature of the dreaming. The self-interest and callousness of carcili even to their immediate neighbours or allies shocks them. In return, carcili generally think that the duckarium are not only weak and overly-soft, but they detest the loving and maternal nature of their neighbours, believing that their tendency to mollycoddle others is insulting to the strength of the other. What's more, the duckarium tend towards giving without taking, leading the paranoid deep-sea denizens to be deeply suspicious of this apparently unwarranted generosity.
Leo: When the leos met the duckariums they were in love. The absolute sillyness of a bird wearing a pot on its head amazed them. They took the duckariums everywhere they went to show off how funny they were. Duckariums on the other hand think leos are amazing for being so confident and showing the duckariums to many species. Only later did they learn that this was because the leos found humor with them. The duckariums, while a little taken back, decided this wasn't bad at all because they still got a wonderful start due to the leos sense of humor.
Virgora: The virgora and the duckarium get along together nicely from an outsider perspective, but once someones dips in a little closer they soon figure out that the relationship between the two species is more complex, with both of them of them being surprised by what the other is doing, and having to take the time to explain it. The virgoras look at the duckariums as wild and irrational animals, especially when it comes to the treatment of their children. The duckariums on the other hand do not approve of the cold relations that the virgores have made with their own species. This can lead to things being slower when the virgora and the duckarium are paired to work together on a project and they have to constantly confirm orders.
Libraille: The libraille's opinion on the duckariums is as follows, "These ducks have their shit together, what else do you want to know?"
Skokakrio: The duckarium and the skokakrio hate each other so much that there's a week long system wide contest that the duckarium and skokakrio host to see which species is better. Incidentally every other species has declared this week official pretend the duckarium and skokakrio don't exist week, except the libraille who try, and fail to mediate this contest.
Sagittari: While most would assume that the duckariums hate the sagittari because of their tendancy to hunt innocent wildlife, the pair actually get along perfectly fine. The sagittari often go to Anatida to hunt the unique game found there, which inadvertently assists the swasks in protecting the rest of the duckariums. Additionally, duckariums can often be found seeking out a sagittari when one of their "children" dies, in order for the sagittari to "resurrect" the deceased. While many others find it offputting that the resurrected child is slowly decaying and has a completely new consciousness residing within it, the duckariums appear to either not notice or do not care, and they take care of the child like they would any other.
On a political level, the duckariums and sagittari continue to get along swimmingly. They agree on almost every political issue, and when they do disagree, it is very rare to see them get into a heated argument. Additionally, the two have a major trade route between them, in which the duckarium trade particularly mighty animals to the sagittari for hunting purposes, in exchange for new technologies acquired from the sagittaris' travels and new animals for the duckariums to take under their wings.
Kapricanus: The kapricanus and duckarium are constantly confused by each other. Each finds the other too alien for their tastes, and as such tend to just avoid each other, though not in a disrespectful or aggressive way.
Aqualisces: The aqualisces like to daydream and talk about their big goals for the universe, things they want to do in the future, and the steps they have to take to do it. Normally it's the duckariums who quack in and remind the aqualisces that such goals are impossible in the current state of affairs, normally accidentally in the harshest way possible, even when they're trying their best to be nice to the aqualisces. Awkward.
• Ducklings of the duckariums were sometimes captured and sold on the black market, unfortunately for several criminals, duckariums caused enough losses that hunting or capturing the ducklings quickly became unprofitable. Ducklings are often sold to rivals to sabotage them.
• It is extremely normal for a ghoose to write horror books and several have gotten rich this way, even if many considered the books a little odd. "Dr. Shock Tweep's Tower of Terror" is an example of the type of books they write.