Art by, Flick
Worms: Worm
Worm Worms: Worm worm worm
Worm Worm Worm: Worm
Worm: Worm
"there are so many"
cosmicrew real?
no longer blue
toyhouse chippercrow
does anyone want my ‘Galehaut Bleeding Ticket‘ it was in the fridge
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwormAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! AAAAAAAAA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAworm worm worm worm worm worm worm. worm-worm worm worm worm worms, worm worm worm what‘s the deal with thornheads? worm worm. worm‘worm worm worm worm worm worm, worm worm worm the lovely lovely worm and the lovely worm it lovely worm lovely worm lovely worm dear worms! it‘s lovely worm worm lovely worm lovely worm oh! lovely!
worm worm worm worms worm worms worm worm we are all made of
lovely worm, that‘s a lovely worm right there if i do worm and i do worm, and i do, o, i must
14th january 2023 currently, as i type this, my profile image is set to none. no image. and yet it still credits flick. make of that what you will
worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm (worm worm worm worm worm worms)
blood isn‘t free by the way.
lovely worm lovely worm, oh a worm a lovely worm lovely lovely worm a worm a lovely worm a lovely worm lov what fate a
ely worm lovely worm o! worm and lovely worm and lovely worm worm worm a lovely worm
Worms - i should
Creator / Writer of:
Marsich | Lanocte |
Fowthick | Phoverl | Squarmid |
Rinmye |
Leontophone |
Artist of:
Thanatos | Hypnos |
Chriilth'tyn | Frejynk |
Ivfrid | Spikmew | Fowthick |
Muse |
• theoretically, i do something here. it might be writing down the same phrase over and over again and it might be drawing birds with clothes and it might be nothing at all but theoretically, i mean, maybe, i do some actions of some sort in relation to the concept of the cosmosdex. in theory.
• for the record, i consider leontophones to be my only good entry i've ever written
• lovely worm, lovely worm, lovelyworm they don‘t have any fur worm, love worm worm love worm, Where! Are! The!!