[Cosmosdex] The Universal Encyclopedia



Blabbermouths / Dermy

“Well well well, lemme tell ya toots, didn't think my head voice'd come out like this but at least I can talks, y'know?” — One of the first recorded hosts of a dermichiti

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  • Strength-1
  • Intelligence-1
  • Charisma-1
  • Endurance-2
  • Agility-3
  • Luck-5

Danger Level: Low
Likes: Dinner scraps, Gossip, Eccentric people, Warm necks
Dislikes: Forced dental hygiene, Forced removal, Spicy Food

Attack Method: Dermichiti do not attack but as a last resort will bite any predators if escape is not possible.

Environment: Pet stores, Jungles, Trash cans
Lifespan: 22 years
Size: 1'3 ft tall
Diet: Meat, Insects, Plants

Bodytype: Serpentine
Type: Symbotic Other
Rarity: Common

Original Creator: WyrmCast

Physical Description

Dermichiti are lengthy parasites with smooth fleshy bodies ranging from light pinks to inflamed reds in colour, the texture of the skin akin to leather and with more friction than one would expect given the shiny slick appearance of the creature. The head of a dermichiti lacks any distinct features despite being rather large. It is without any eyes, a nose, but there are two sets of ears between the sides of the head and the neck with both lacking an external pinnae. From the neck down the body tapers off, getting slimmer until it reaches the tail with a fleshy orifice at the end.

When open it releases a number of fleshy wires and nerves it embeds into hosts; insertion of the nerves and wires may only feel like a small prick but forcibly removing a dermichiti from a host by tearing it off is highly painful and could lead to serious damage of the nervous system as that is where the parasite often attaches itself, specifically the brain. In turn this allows the dermichiti to hear the conscious and sometimes subconscious thoughts of the host which it will attempt to vocalize as close to the hosts head voice as possible with the highly developed vocal chords dermichiti are known to have.

The key feature of the dermichiti however is what lies under the three flaps that make up the empty face. When folded back like a blooming flower the flaps reveal a wide array of teeth, the teeth themselves coming in many variations from sharp fangs to blocky molars, though both have gums almost as large as the teeth themselves. Just below the neck are two short arms the dermichiti uses to haul itself along the ground although it may slither to conserve energy, neither of these methods of movement are fast.


Most if not all dermichiti try to enter into symbiotic relationships with species as a means of survival and are attracted more towards people that are mute or that have difficulties with speech. While a dermichiti will drain blood from the host the amount it takes can be greatly reduced to a level where it will have little effect on the health of the host by actively feeding the dermichiti food. It should be warned that usage of a dermichiti even in the best conditions still carries a risk of brain damage, though most are minor, and one should consult their doctor before starting treatment.

Due to its flexible diet it can be fed almost anything, although they tend to take a liking to scraps from meals their host eats. Attached dermichiti will often drape themselves around the shoulders and neck of their host if they have any, resting their head just under the chin or as close to the actual mouth, or where the mouth would be on a host, as possible.

Dermichiti are rather passive creatures and are easily domesticated, using violence as a last resort in all situations. As they're not very mobile and only have their large teeth as an effective defense they are vulnerable and commonly preyed upon by other fauna, turning them towards civilisation where they feed off of thrown away foods and litter. Dermichiti will never produce any noises when alone.


None / Unknown.


Vocal Control: Dermichiti can produce almost any sounds they have heard before, as well as being able to put on a variety of accents should the host wish it but only if they are trained to do so, which may take a rather long time.


• While untrained dermichiti will read aloud all the thoughts the host has which may lead to a lot of awkward and undesired situations. A trained dermichiti can receive and recognise prompts from hosts that allow them to tell when they should start talking. As such there tends to be a short delay between thinking and speaking.

• There have been few reported incidents of dermichiti attaching to live animals. As can be expected the thoughts of animals tends to be random noises they make.

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