[Cosmosdex] The Universal Encyclopedia


Out into the wilds of the universe.....

The faunadex contains all the info you need to know about any fauna you might see out in the universe, including info about what they look like, where they tend to live, and how likely they are to eat all your crew members.



While aggressive towards strangers and intruders, they are loving creatures. A young dwelya, if found early enough, can be tamed very easily. Having some prey or meat, in general, is enough to deter them from aggression as they are treat incentive creatures. They can learn tricks reasonably fast and quickly. Eager to please as long as there's some food in their face.


Easy to breed in large numbers, echomms are considered low-tier starter capture creatures for under-resourced villages, particularly those with many E, Y, and G-class children. Like most capture creatures, echomms are affectionate, loyal to their owners, and do not experience pain.

Eisenian Worm

Eisenian worms are hungry and voracious creatures, able to strip all the fruit out of an orchard in minutes. However, they do not eat the plants themselves, simply taking the produce right off the stems. These creatures are very dim, and once something is in their mouth they will attempt to eat it nonstop until they die. This combined with their fear of loud noises and flashing lights mean that some gardeners set up traps that cause them to veer around sharply, come into contact with their own body, and therefore eat themselves to death.


Eyegrets are capture creatures bred to aid notail young in their time in the forest, and is most often given to U-ndercover and M-atriarch classes. They are highly territorial, and will attack and kill any other adult eyegret they see in their territory. This includes their own former children; although eyegrets are very protective and nurturing towards chicks under a week old, any child over such is seen as a threat and kicked out of the nest. From there, the eyegret child must find a new territory for itself, get ripped apart, or kill its parent and claim the territory for itself.


Eyesaurs are mostly used as guard dogs, due to their natural want to be in packs and aggressive nature. They never seem to be quiet, always humming to each other. While mostly aggressive, they can be calmed down with food, or if the person is good with animals. Eyesaurs are unable to talk, though they do act like a hivemind when in packs.


While the behavior patterns of ferro units vary between models and can be customized further by the end consumer, the typical ferro lacks any agency and will not act outside of commands given to it by its owner. Without any outside influence a ferro will enter an inactive state in which it will look very similar to a pool of oil. The only exception to this is if the ferro comes under attack or if it is running low on nanites. In this case the ferro will animate and either attack its aggressor in an attempt to subdue or scare off the attacker, or, in the case of a nanite shortage, seek out the nearest source of iron to consume and replenish the swarm.


Fluffywhumblers are deceptive little buggers. They approach potential prey under the auspices of being cute, harmless, adorable little balls of fluff. They often come across as very easy to tame, because they will frequently just allow people to pick them up and carry them home. Whenever the moment best suits them they will switch in a hot second, revealing their true nature, and viciously mauling their prey.


The fluskal is a docile animal. Solitary unless trying to mate, the only exception is that they consistently follow and show signs of trust towards those that feed it. If not given food for a certain number of days, the fluskal will begin to avoid its owner and possibly even try to escape if approached.


Fowthicks are usually aggressive and territorial. The sight of a cluster of fowthicks fighting over a piece of food that has already been taken isn't particularly uncommon. It is why fowthicks are commonly seen with scars and torn fins, occasionally to the point of having almost no fins left. Fowthicks' territory often overlaps with other fowthicks, leading to more fights when they accidentally meet. Like most solitary fauna, fowthicks tend to only meet intentionally in order to breed.


Frish are very social creatures around their kind. They are vocal, making croaks to attract others or warn of any predators around. While they don't mate for life, they will pair up with the same partner as last mating season if they can find them. They lay eggs in clutches in the water, and the male will stay around to make sure the young hatch. After hatching, they will fend for themselves and stay together for safety. Once fully grown, they will move into new areas and branch off themselves.

Fungal Snake

Starting as just single spores, it takes years for a full grown fungal snake to form together. They're on a constant search for food, its main diet consisting of decaying material. While a scavenger at their core, fungal snakes do seek prey, trapping anyone that gets too close to their domain and leaving the body to be consumed when deemed ripe enough for consumption. Fungal snakes thrive in humid and damp environments, but hunger may drive them into more urban territories so they may feed on garbage as a last resort.


Gastimuds dwell in underground caves and tunnels, usually in small packs of around a dozen creatures. These groups have leisurely lifestyles, moving very little as they graze on their surroundings.

Genuine Fowl

A paranoid yet carefree creature, the genuine fowl spends its time using its powerful legs to dig up roots, eat grass, and basking in the sun. Its keen eyes help it spot prey, which often has trouble escaping from such a large and fast creature. Known for its vermin-killing ability, it is frequently employed on farms to remove grain-consuming animals.


Gildipedes are greedy and vain creatures that care for nothing else beyond their own gratification, which they gain through the consumption of gold. Gildipedes are positively docile when they don't detect gold, which can give one the impression that they are friendly, and sociable animals. But when a gildipede sniffs out the presence of gold nearby or on a person, their eyes alight with the prospect of acquiring gold to feed on.


Tends to prefer to look like what the most vocal and most recent person to enter thought it was. This tends to mean the first person through the doors will impact what the others perceive the gladstore to be internally. Psionic assaults tend to be based on creating the sensation of experiencing what the gladstore does. Only employees are immune. If one tries to carve a bathroom stall, they will feel their own knife piercing their bones.


In the day glimdeers sleep with their fins either out of the water or close to the edge so that they can gather sunlight to use later in the day. At night, the creature awakens and begins hunting through the darkness to look exclusively for diurnal prey. They ignore fellow nocturnals, who are often unaffected by their hunting methods. Once a prey has been found they will use their fins and eyes to produce a bright light to wake up and attract their prey to them.


Glunks sustain themselves off of sunlight and ambient moisture. Glunks are capable of slowly moving along surfaces, but will rarely do so in their life. Even in mortal danger, the glunk will often just hold still. Whether this is because it knows it would just die anyways, or that it doesn't care is unknown. Given sufficient sunlight, the glunk will produce spores every 30 days. The exact amount of time depends on the quantity of sunlight, with more or less sunlight hastening or slowing the process.


Goblins are short creatures with large, sinister, toothy grins. Most describe them to be 'bat-like' in appearance, as between their arms, legs, and digits is a thin skin membrane that allows them to glide short distances between trees. Their arms are extremely long and bony, and they use them to ambulate, as their legs have evolved to be small and near useless except for gripping branches. Goblins also have a short, rat like tails, and two 'fins' on their heads that help the goblin make sharp turns while in flight.


Lazy by nature, golgantious froads are loathe to leave their preferred squatting spot, instead preferring to use their long, sticky tongues to catch whatever prey catches their attention. While slow and ungainly at the waddle, one should not underestimate the creature, for should its preferred method not work the froad will use its shockingly strong legs to leap hundreds of feet in the air, intending to crush its target to death.


Grgt in their original states are basically identical to hungry dogs with a monstrous appetite. They have a huge desire to chomp down and eat everything organic that comes in their way, and when no organics are present they will start eating other things, such as metal, AI or even just dirt. The metal collars around their necks is what regulates who they see as friend or foe.