Art by, Mel
Common Jobs: Archers, Hunters, Gunners, Anything that requires travelling
Likes: Archery, Hunting, Challenges, Freedom
Dislikes: Notails, Mind Control, Slavery, Regulations, Things that are too easy
Attack Method: Attack from a distance with their bows.
Sagittari typically worship nature as a whole, including plant and animal life.
Sagittari are parasitic creatures that kill a host creature, then take over their corpse. The actual sagittari is usually in the shape of a common arrow, which is launched from another sagittari's bow or other projectile based weapon and used as arrows or bolts. Should more than one arrow land in a single host, all the arrows will come together to make a collective personality. It should be noted that the creature that is shot by a sagittari must be killed with the arrow still inside them in order for a sagittari to take over the body. After about a week, during which the leathery skin of the sagittari is grown and vital organs are repaired if needed, the host creature will reawaken as a sagittari.
Most people associate the sagittari with their host creature, instead of the arrows inside them, which often are decomposing corpses, covered in a jet black, leathery skin. They have large holes in them, in which new sagittari are grown and stored for use as projectiles later. sagittari are also almost always missing at least two ribs and a single vertebrae, which the use to form their bows.
Notably, creatures that have been taken over by sagittari always have blue, diamond shaped pupils in their eyes, regardless of what they were like before.
Sagittari are usually friendly people, if you can keep one around long enough to actually chat with them. They are notably shy of other species, usually because they're scared others will see their zombie-like appearance and toss them out the nearest airlock. However, they love making new friends and will gladly befriend anyone willing to look past the fact that they are literal zombies.
Sagittari will usually cover themselves as much as possible, and are very self-conscious about their zombie-like appearance. They will typically wear cloaks, hoodies, scarves, or other concealing clothing items when they are in public or among people they don't know, so that they do not accidentally frighten anyone with they're appearance. They sometimes get quite attached to these items, and might attack should one try to remove it.
Additionally, sagittari love to roam, and will typically pack up and move for no apparent reason other than that they've gotten worn out of their current home. On their homeworld of Copsi, sagittari roamed the wilds in small tribes, and would follow herds of their prey across the globe. They still retain some of this tribal mentality, and will occasionally stick with whatever group they call their friends as if they were family, as long as this group changes location frequently enough to keep the sagittari entertained.
Most sagittari history has been scattered throughout the minds of too many sagittari to keep up with, and as a result has been lost.
However, it is known that the sagittari were once a massive hive-mind controlled by a ruthless Grand Matriarch, and under her control the sagittari thrived. However, the sagittari grew too rapidly and the Matriarch's psychic abilities couldn't keep up, and several sagittari were freed from her control. These sagittari made their own brood, and eventually tried to slay the Grand Matriarch in hopes of taking over her corpse for their own gain. They managed to out-maneuver the Matriarch's forces and eventually did slay her, however she was not resurrected as a new sagittari as they had hoped, and instead simply died and stayed dead. Without a matriarch controlling them, the sagittari roamed the planet with their own will.
The sagittari then roamed their planet in tribes for several millennia, never really bothering to buckle down and build cities or space ships. It is believed that the only reason they ever progressed technologically was because the leos visited their home-world of Copsi at some point and alerted the sagittari to an entire universe of things to explore and hunt.
Broodmothers: Some sagittari are created with the odd anomaly of having strong psychic abilities, these sagittari being the broodmothers. Broodmothers look nearly identical to regular sagittari except for their eyes, which are a deep red instead of blue. Broodmothers are also usually seen controlling the minds of other sagittari, much like the ancient sagittari matriarch did. For this reason they are often shunned and feared by sagittari, as they feel mind control is unethical.
Ariesa: The sagittari are a cause for concern among the ariesa, though there are some ariesa who believe the act of becoming a safittari's host could be a valuable experience, there are far more who believe the zombification of the host outweighs the worth of any experience. Sun ariesa will begrudgingly attempt to get along with sagittari, on the condition that they keep a few steps away from them while speaking. Moon ariesa do not enjoy being anywhere near the sagittari and will become much more aggressive and protective of the one they guard whenever a sagittari is near.
BVo9: The history of the BVo9 as a chattel species has left in the corner of their minds an instinctual aversion to anything that may try to control them. The rare instances where a Sagittari attacked a BVo9, managed to pierce their hide, and became a mobile Sagittari Propagation Unit (complete automated arrow cannons, easily fashioned from available parts) have created a lingering distrust of any sagittari (especially ones requiring host) from getting too close to them. If any BVo9 notices that another BVo9 is host to a sagittari, they will team up with other BVo9 to kill the sagittari. Because of this, sagittari know that spending too much time around a BVo9 will be unpleasant at best, and that taking a BVo9 as a host will lead to a short rest-of-life.
Gemimi: While the sagittari and the gemimi may have not cared about the other in the communication era, they clicked right away when they finally met up. Gemimis and sagittaris are natural travelers, not only that but by a gemimi using a sagittari as a puppet, the gemimi would gain protection and the sagittari would gain a steed to use in hunts. Not only that but gemimis that used a sagittari as a puppet would become a one tailed gemimi, which normally meant that the gemimi could protect a small herd of gemimis. The sagittari could use this to their advantage, having the gemimis attract, and take down big prey.
The gemimi's and the sagittari's governments assist with each other's issues all the time. They work together to make sure both of them are happy, and are rarely seen bickering about any issues. Many areas where one of them can be found, the other will be found near.
Carcili: The sagittarii and the carcili are in a state of perpetual broken-down negotations. The sagittarii find the carcili trait of snatching bodies when they sleep disgusting, and try to persuade them to stop the vulgar and unnoble practice. This gets nobody anywhere because the carcili can't persuade the sagittarii that this is a non-voluntary effect, and think the living corpses should stop coming to their planets if they don't like it.
Political matters are not helped by the groups of rogue sagittarii who hunt and try to bring down the gargantuan forms of stray carcili in the ultimate hunt. The carcili call the entirety of the sagittarii hypocrites because of these hunters, the existence of which is repeatedly denied by the sagitarii's representatives. Around this point, negotations tend to devolve into long-distance insults and threats over the phone until a more reasonable third part steps in and the whole cycle repeats.
Leo: The sagittari and leo travel everywhere together. They both tend to want the same thing and the passion of the leos make the sagittari believe in their teammate when they want to do something. Sometimes the leos boost the confidance in the sagittaris so much, that the sagittaris attempt to do something that even the leos have to back away from. The sagittari will then find themselves confused and lost as the leos have jumped the ship ages ago and they're still rushing into an issue everyone has decided to not take part in. The sagittari tend to have no hard feelings about this though.
Virgora: The virgora and sagittari started off strong at first and both groups had an understanding of each other's thought processes, but over time this strong relationship became sour. They got along over their "hidden selves" as well as their need to move around, but as time passed, the sagittari came to detest the virgora attempting to meditate many issues between them and other species. The sagittari felt like they were being babied, while the virgora felt like the sagittari were making obvious mistakes which could easily be fixed by listening to them in the first place. Now the virgora and sagittari tend to be absent from each other's lives, with too much bad blood between the two. Yet stories of the virgora and sagittari working together are still look at to this day, to the point that it is nearly romanticize.
Libraille: While some would assume the sagittari and the libraelle would hate eachother due the sagittari's value of personal freedoms and lack of regulations, this is in fact no longer the case. It is true, however, that they did not get along well before the libraelle managed to bring a close to the skokakrio wars. With this act, however, the libraelle proved to the sagittari that they were a force for good, and this sparked off the start of an excellent relationship between the two. From the libraelle's perspective, the sagittari areone of few species that are actually gratefull when they attempt to resolve conflicts, and in turn the libraelle usually stick up for uphold the sagittaris' veiws when they are being threatened. The two also get along well where politics are concerned. They typically agree on most issues, and should they disagree both parties will typically compromise with the other willingly.
Skokakrio: The sagittari and the skokakrio have a long-standing history of absolutely loathing each other. This history goes all the way back to before they even made contact with each other, when Geetee, the skokakrio's home planet, abruptly entered the Zodiac system and caused nearly permanent solar eclipses on the sagittari home world of Copsi. When the sagittari launched exploration missions to Geetee, they found the insectoid skokakrios, and quickly discovered that they were sentient, but only spoke in clicks and screeches. Very few meetings between the species occurred before the sagittari interpreted the skokakrio's clicks as calls of aggression and opened fire on them, sparking an interplanetary war that would last years before the libraille stepped in and brought the war to a close. Due to the skokakrio's unforgiving nature, they still hate the sagittari for the war, and constantly bring it up at meetings and discussions between the species, preventing the two from simply moving on and becoming closer.
Kapricanus: The sagittari and kapricanus, on an indiviual level get along greatly. The two commonly hang around the other, even taking long trips into the wilderness with each other as the kapricanus are masters of water, while the sagittari are masters of land. There is one rule all of these friendships follow, don't talk about current events. When either talks about current events or social issues, both will quickly find themselves with a nasty taste in their mouth and a lost friendship. Likewise kapricanus and sagittari avoid each other when making votes. Commonly pretending after the vote that they are still on each other's goodside, even though truly they question each other more and more each vote.
Duckarium: While most would assume that the duckariums hate the sagittari because of their tendancy to hunt innocent wildlife, the pair actually get along perfectly fine. The sagittari often go to Anatida to hunt the unique game found there, which inadvertently assists the swasks in protecting the rest of the duckariums. Additionally, duckariums can often be found seeking out a sagittari when one of their "children" dies, in order for the sagittari to "resurrect" the deceased. While many others find it offputting that the resurrected child is slowly decaying and has a completely new conciusness residing within it, the duckariums appear to either not notice or do not care, and they take care of the child like they would any other.
On a political level, the duckariums and sagittari continue to get along swimmingly. They agree on almost every political issue, and when they do disagree, it is very rare to see them get into a heated arguement. Additionally, the two have a major trade route between them, in which the duckarium trade particularly mighty animals to the sagittari for hunting purposes, in exchange for new technologies aquired from the sagittaris' travels and new animals for the duckariums to take under their wings.
Aqualisces: The aqualisces and the sagittari have a spontaneous, but sweet relationship. The sagittari are grateful to the aqualisces for messaging them before their expeditions to space began and notifying the sagittari of friendly, sentient life beyond their planet. Back then, these messages cause the sagittari to track the source of the radio waves leading them to discover the aqualisces's home planets.
It's noted that the sagittari were the first alien species that the aqualisces made contact with and that the sagittari played a vital role in helping the aqualisces gather spaceship materials that are extremely rare on the aqualisces's homeworlds. Otherwise, these two species haven't interacted much outside of small and short "Golden Ages" due to spontaneous good relations from equally spontaneous acts of good will between the two. These Golden Ages usually last a few years and only encompass small areas of commerce at a time like furniture making or alcohol brewing. If one manage to catch a specific Golden Age on either of the species' homeplanets, they'll be able to get extremely high quality products pertaining to that Golden Age. These golden ages, however, never last long, and are always ended by something most of the general population sees as incredibly minor.
• Despite the fact that sagittari are often seen hunting wildlife, they actually worship nature and the animals they hunt. After they successfully slay their prey, most sagittari can be seen praying over the creature's corpse, thanking them for their sacrifice.
• Sagittari almost never hunt for sport, instead hunting to feed themselves or for the sake of reproducing. Should a sagittari see someone hunting only for sport, they will usually try to stop that person from hunting.