Art by, frog
Common Jobs: Historians, Secretaries, Journalists
Likes: History, Alphabetized anything, Writing things down
Dislikes: Repeated mistakes, Forgetting, Lies
Attack Method: Small diachrons will often aim to break their opponent's joints. Large diachrons will throw an attacker aside if said attacker is small enough, and if they aren't, will attempt to crush them.
Diachrons did not worship any gods before reaching space, though a percentage of them are now Limboists. Due to the importance placed on history and fact in diachron society, they refuse to believe in any religion without solid fact backing it up.
Diachrons are bipedal and have rather thick skin that sometimes appears like rock or leather. The majority of diachrons are no taller than three or four feet, and are black with round heads, and only one eye. Diachrons have a mouth underneath their eye, but it is almost completely invisible until they open it to speak or eat. They have no sexual dimorphism whatsoever.
Aside from that, many diachrons differ. For one, many of them have different amounts of arms. The most common ones will be seen with four arms, but they're only the most common by a sliver. The highest number of arms recorded was ten, and the least was, of course, none.
Most diachrons will also have some form of "spikes" on their heads, arms, and shoulders. Commonly these are a pair of triangles, but do not have to be, and some hover slightly around the shoulders, arms and head instead of being attached. They can be any color excluding black and white, though each "spike" will be the same color. This color matches their eye. Every diachron has a shape in the middle of their torso that resembles the color and shape of their "spikes," connected to a circle that runs along their midsection much like a belt would.
After undergoing a sudden growth spurt around 180-185 years old, diachrons change entirely. At the end of this growth spurt, which lasts around three years and requires an incredible amount of food and energy, the average diachron will be twelve to fourteen feet tall. Their arms and legs also get longer in proportion to their bodies, to the point where those with a lot of arms have to hunch over as it's tiring to carry up all of them at once. Their "spikes" will get bigger and begin to grow down their backs. Their features will become sharper, and their heads will no longer be circles as their jaws become more defined and their mouths become visible.
Occasionally, their teeth will grow too big for their mouths and they'll develop an extreme over or underbite. However, most diachrons don't live this long: while there's no record of a diachron dying due to age-related issues with the oldest known diachron living to be well over eight hundred years old, it just isn't reasonable for them to be able to escape death for a hundred and eighty years. Thus, the large diachrons are decently rarer.
Diachrons value history above all else. They firmly believe that all problems can be solved by looking to the past, and will do anything to retain an accurate story. Due to this, it's rare to catch one lying, since they fear their lies might muddle documentation of a situation. Diachrons in general don't talk much, and when they do they're short and to the point. However, many diachrons can't resist good gossip, as long as it's proven to be true. Overall? They're good listeners.
Notably, smaller diachrons tend to be much more energetic than fully grown ones, and express their emotions a lot more. Likewise, large diachrons are much more peaceful than the smaller ones. This may be due to wisdom from their older ages, or simply the fact that they don't need to threaten anyone anymore in order to be respected, due to their size. It's also important to note that smaller diachrons are not children and shouldn't be treated as such: diachrons are considered adults at twenty-five years old since their brains aren't fully formed until that age, which leaves a 160 year gap between adulthood and their final growth spurt.
Almost every diachron has a personal history journal. Some of these are down to the minute, while others list a general overview of their week. This journal is storied digitally, as diachrons would fill up entire rooms in their houses with journals if they wrote them on paper, and typically on one device reserved for this writing. Said devices are specifically designed for logging history and can be found in almost all shops on Cicilar. To snoop through another's journal without asking is considered extremely rude, and it's not uncommon for friendships or relationships to end over such conflicts. While diachrons will still be strongly offended if someone of another species goes through their journal, sometimes they'll be forgiving about it. This is because they understand that, while going through a diary is still considered an offense by other species, it isn't considered nearly as horrible as in diachron culture. It's basically the equivalent of killing someone's dog and then spitting in their face.
Diachrons also make efficient workers because they don't tend to make the same mistake twice. Considering the reason why they love history so much is because they believe recording it dutifully means avoiding the same mistakes and making faster progress, their own mistakes are often recorded in their personal journals more than anything else.
One might think this is because they feel bad about themselves or are obsessive about being perfect, but that's usually not the case, they just want to make sure that they remember what not to do for next time. However, because of this, diachrons often hold others to the same standards and a simple mistake like not remembering to preheat an oven for the second time can make them more frustrated than the situation warrants.
While diachron history is for the most part kept down to the hour, there have only been two major events during the time before the space age. The first was the merging of the diachron's two countries and the second was the destruction of over a hundred years of history.
The creation of the diachron's current government system was a significant part of diachron history because for the majority of the species' time alive, they had been split into two monarchies. The names of these nations were Ochailo and Junipast, both named after their founders. Before these two countries existed, diachrons had a few dozen different ones with different styles of government, but over time these two rose to become the superpowers of their planet.
While Junipast only ever had one person in power at a time, Ochailo had a council that voted on issues in addition to the current king or queen, since Ochailo was separated into districts whereas Junipast was not. Ochailo's council worked by having one representative per district, encouraging the people of each district to vote.
Aside from the difference in government, official records state that the reason they were so divided is due to economical disagreements and disputes over how resources should be split. However, it's suspected that it was actually a personal feud between the families of the two monarchies, as recorded in many personal journals of diachrons close to the throne during this period. This also marks corrupted history, which means a lot of diachrons don't respect these figures whatsoever, even though important people in the past are normally held at the highest honor.
The merging took place when Junipast crowned a new queen named Kiara Gaible. Her first act as queen, to the horror of her family, was to issue a proposal to Ochailo, asking to unite the opposing monarchies in order to create a new nation. It's been recorded that the royal family begged her to change her mind and actually attempted to blackmail her into repealing the proposal, but she refused.
In a show of how fed up everyone was with the royal families' bickering, Ochailo's council voted unanimously to merge the countries. The other monarch at the time, Avner Kou, had concerns about the proposal but was convinced to approve it. Thus, the diachrons became one nation. It took some time, but eventually the two families settled on a new government, one which put all of its focus on the scientific advancement of society as well as emphasis on recorded history. Rightly so: the diachrons were already very close to their own space age, and this extra focus on science pushed them to reach the stars.
Later, the worst documented loss of information in diachron history would occur.
It's unknown what the attacker's identity or motives were: many suspect it was an act of rebellion towards the new government, and the perpetrator might even have been a member of one of the old royal families, but there's no way to know for sure. Whatever these things may have been, one thing was certain: an entire era was wiped from the historical database.
Diachron history, before this point, was all kept on one massive network that never shut off. Before the diachrons entered the technological age, it was kept in twelve massive libraries scattered across the planet, but eventually all of these libraries were uploaded to the database and became obsolete, and in any case, they only captured the first seven hundred years or so. Official history, recorded by those whose job it was to keep it, was uploaded directly to this network, while personal history was only uploaded after a diachron had died. Some diachrons even opted out of letting their personal history go into the database, writing that into their wills. No one ever thought to make any backups: as a species, their sole agreement was that history was critical, and the erasure of such was unthinkable.
On the seventeenth day of the sixth month on the diachron's calendar, in what they called 1823 before their space age, the database went offline for the first time. When it came back online, the entirety of the timeline from 1493-1632 was gone.
The population was thrown into a panic. The new leaders and government attempted to calm everyone down, and assure them that the records were being searched for, but most knew either that they were gone for good or that it was pointless to get their hopes up. Eventually, the new council met to determine what was to be done.
They settled on a new network, one which contained several backups in undisclosed locations as well as better online security. It now also existed in a closed connection; it was only accessible through a certain browser. As technology improved, the defenses to protect history's database did as well. Eventually, once the diachrons reached the space age, they released copies of their history onto public networks and completely closed off the original, shutting off the fancy browser. The original network is only accessible through computers located at government buildings or facilities specifically designed for updating it. Public copies and wikis are usually updated within a few hours after the network.
The home planet of the diachrons, Cicilar, is covered in volcanic rock. Underneath that rock lies thousands upon thousands of dormant volcanos. It would have been possible to distinguish this through science, but diachrons were always aware of this because the earliest of their species were actually alive to watch the lava, and later, dried volcanic rock, cover Cicilar. As the "mountains" they'd called their home began to explode with lava, the diachrons were cornered into the smaller and smaller portions of the planet that remained full of plant life. Dozens of settlements were destroyed, and the population was reduced by over half.
Eventually, the entire planet became covered, but by then diachrons had figured out how to garden with volcanic rock, and began rebuilding their societies. They bred plants into being hardy enough to grow on their own, and the plants naturally began to spread. Cicilar's ground is now almost completely black with the remains of ash, but there are still plenty of clusters of plants away from diachron settlements.
Most of the natural fauna on the planet died off when their habitats were reduced to almost nothing, but a few hardy species stuck it out: mainly species that could survive without much food, and smaller fauna that lived around diachron settlements.
Cicochron: Cicochrons have white or black "spikes," which are elaborate to a ridiculous extent. For example, where a diachron might have antlers for their "spikes" a cicochron could have several curly antlers that drag so low they're almost on the floor, while also extending several feet above the cicochron's head. This would also mean that the "spikes" on their arms and shoulders would be equally elaborate. It's often difficult for them to perform basic physical tasks due to this.
• Contrary to popular belief, diachrons as a species do not have photographic memories. They just write damn near everything down.
• Diachrons cannot swim. Even the smaller ones are too heavy.
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