[Cosmosdex] The Universal Encyclopedia


Out into the wilds of the universe.....

The faunadex contains all the info you need to know about any fauna you might see out in the universe, including info about what they look like, where they tend to live, and how likely they are to eat all your crew members.

Grim Bloater

Bloats are, at first glance, lazy and passive. One will likely find one in its dormant state, and conclude that they are asleep. This is not the case, they are simply waiting for something to approach, and when it does, then they swiftly spring into action, spewing horrific, disgusting bile, at whatever creatures are nearby, before extending to their full height. This bile has paralytic properties towards most creatures, and so those unfortunates who are caught in this sucker-spray are consumed immediately.


A growze is a strange thing. They only grow while nobody is watching them, at which point they grow incredibly quickly, straight upwards. Their stems have a tendency to multiply to support the weight of the bloom. Their leaves are known to make great shade if removed. While growzes are not sentient, they do occasionally trap people within them by means of wrapping around their victims with their stems while they grow.


Before guirands were specially bred for use as capture creatures, they were extremely fast, able to slither across the ground at high speeds due to the thousands of tiny legs on their underbellies to snatch up their prey in a single bite. Nowadays, this wild variety is much less common, and the tame variety is very, very different.

Guirands are typically given to R-anger and Lone E-xplorer class notails, and their purpose is simple: sit around and do nothing.


Gweches are noted for how docile they are. If a gwech and her young aren't in need of food the gwech just relaxes, commonly licking its arms before slathering itself or its children up to keep moist on dry days. Notail bred gweches are a female only breed, while wild gweches have both males and females. Notail gweches are offered up to the B-reeder, H-erbalist, I-nvestigator, M-atriarch, and W-aiter class children but are rarely picked for their "Uncool" and "Displeasing" looks. Notail children rather pick a starting creature who is either aggressive or a fairly good steed, two things a gwech is not.


Gypzerda are scavengers. They patiently watch from out-of-sight hiding places, waiting for poor suckers to die so the gypzerda can feed. Gypzerda are strictly solitary creatures, only coming together once a year to mate. While gypzerda rarely begin fights, they may sometimes pounce upon particularly weak prey and maul them to death if they become impatient. If a gypzerda is forcibly removed from their hiding spot, they may also become highly violent.


Appearing without fanfare in caves, ruins, and other dark places with few visitors, handrosphinxes are surprisingly placid despite their unsettling appearance. Intelligent enough to remember friendly faces, they are easily won over with regular offerings of food. Omnivorous to a fault, they will happily eat rotten food, or even less food-like materials such as rubber or wood. While a food-rich diet (as opposed to a materials-rich one) marginally increases their very slow rate of growth, they appear not to actually require regular sustenance. They have, however, been observed eating at the walls and floor of their lair to expand it.


These bio-machines are static in motion, yet ever observant. They do not travel except in extreme cases, and other than the flickering of a tail, a waggle of the ears, and the eating of food placed in front of it, they do not move. Their fast brains are no more highlighted than when their owner tells them to search for a phrase.


Horses are a large quadruped creature covered in hair. They commonly sport a long tail made of hairs which they swing around to hit flies and other creatures that may attempt to land or annoy them. Horses have hooves on each of their long legs and with these they are able to run at top speeds.

Invisible Worm

Invisible worms are a very inactive species. They tend to just drift around in space, eating dust that ends up in front of them. Most are born in areas where supernovas had taken place.

After eating, an invisible worm's most common activity is getting stuck in ship engines. This is due to the transparent nature of the worms, making them very difficult to see.


As a capture creature bred for usage as a notail starter, the ivfrid is both very docile, affectionately so, tolerant of high levels of pain, and bred for a unique purpose. The ivfrid is notable because from before birth all members of the species are pregnant. Ivfrids are much more comfortable lazily grazing and resting than actively foraging, but don't mind being on the move if they're carried. Freshly born ivfrids will begin to cannibalize their parent, and often the runts of the litter will follow after.


Jamberwawk's are strange and solitary terrors. They have a disposition one would regard as silly. "Bandling" around their prodigious territory. Jamberwawks observed from a safe distance are recorded as gyrating and emitting a "gurgling" roar for seemingly no reason at all. They are not very still creatures, gyrating, as mentioned, groping, and thrashing about wherever they might be. This is likely due to being blind, but possibly also just "because." Jamberwawks are often found "sloshing" their long tongues about, similarly to a snake.


Jhator are solitary hunters for most of their lifespan, scouting out prey on the wing. They dive-bomb their target repeatedly until landing a cut, scratch, or scrape with claws or beak. They then attempt to separate their prey from the ground - for smaller creatures, the jhator will simply try to lift it away; larger animals are harassed off the nearest cliff.


Jollyfish are simple, docile creatures who only seek to live in peace. They will not attack anyone unless provoked, and would likely live their lives as a non-notable fauna if not for how they defend themselves from prey, and the two exploitable effects this defense brings about.

Jollyfish defend themselves by attaching to an attacker's head. There, the jollyfish neutralizes hostile and unhappy thoughts the attacker has by consuming the negative thoughts.


While the life-cycle of a karaden is not fully documented, and this article should be regarded as incomplete what is known about the karaden could be used for extensive debate in an academic setting. The first noteworthy thing about their behavior is that the karaden does not seem to have any form of malice that they are capable of exhibiting, as even when they have "hunted" or commit cannibalism they parrot their sing-song phrases while eating.

Kirkland's Owl

These birdlike entities nest in huge colonies in their endemic range and are capable of diving up to 10 feet underwater for fish. The water owl gets its name from explorer Welberr Kirkland, who saw the nocturnal creature with mane fluffed from afar and assumed it was some type of giant owl. Does not hoot. It makes a sound like a bear's growling or a hungry stomach's growling when annoyed (which is its normal disposition), and a mixture of hisses, honks, and roars when angry. Prefers to hunt and scavenge at night; may pry an opening in any insecure of a ship or building in order to gain access to food stores, which they may ransack and horde for themselves individually. If other water owls see where an individual water owl got food from, they may swarm on an insecure spot and deplete a whole section of an unlucky crew's or town's food supply.


One kobitte can produce enough telekinetic force to lift a spoon, and this power is applied multiplicatively when one or more kobitte exert their telekinesis on the same object. Mercifully, they use this power not for mischief but instead to help an individual's progress with their work while the workshop's owner sleeps, exhibiting considerable intelligence and capacity for tool use.


A lampbeast usually roam areas with much cover. They like to hide in plants like tall grass and bushes. They build their nests beneath vegetation, and bear up to three offspring in one litter.

Lampbeasts are generally not very social. They often roam alone in their territories. They communicate both through sounds and shifting light gradients.


Looksies are aloof and weird creatures that just float about looking at whatever attracts their wandering gaze for however long they feel before moving on to something else. Occasionally they'll "attach" to someone, following them obsessively. Being as they are immortal as far as can be discerned, this generally means the person only has the option of killing them or dealing with their silent stalker for the rest of their lives.


Lorilals usually stay away from other creatures and mind their own business, even giving space from other lorilals except with close family members. They birth their own pups live, usually having three to four at a time. When newly born they are safe to handle as their spikes are soft and flexible, a feature that changes as they age.


Lucigres are very anti-technology, and will actively hunt out any nearby sources of electricity. From this, they can discharge some stored electricity from their fur to damage the technology. Ships are advised to land far away from known lucigris grounds, as the shocks to the electrical systems could render it unoperable in times where having a working ship would really be helpful. Other than that, they enjoy lying around, bathing in the sun, sleeping, and disembowling smaller creatures that bother them like an asshole.