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Common Jobs: *See trivia
Likes: Teamwork, Seeing new things
Dislikes: Selfishness, Being Trapped
Attack Method: Guards are the frontline attackers, Tacticians lead from just behind, Scouts will flank, Gatherers are ranged attackers from behind the tacticians, Carers are healers, Entertainers are morale and the last line of defense and are all out beserker types.
Geptads rarely honor any god outside of their own.
Humanoid, bipedal reptilians with two arms and a tail. Geptads only have a thumb and two fingers on each hand, as well as three toes; one facing backwards, two pointing forwards. These digits are slightly more spiked and claw-like than that of a human. Before the Zaurin Agreement came into being, geptads were split into six distinct bloodlines known as Desert, Jungle, Marsh, Plains, Mountain and Earthen. Each of these bloodlines has specific facial appendages, with most consisting of extra scale or bone growth that created head spikes and separate but hard flaps of scales. Since said agreement, inter-bloodline breeding has occurred. But oddly enough, each geptad inherits either its mother or its father's extra growth patterns, due to one gene being recessive in the individual whilst the other is dominant.
Geptads of any gender can be a vast variety of colours. The most common geptads are blue-to-green in colour, but purple, pink and red geptads are very close behind this in terms of frequency. Orange and yellow geptads are more uncommon but are also somewhat regularly seen. Rarer geptads are gold or brown in skin colour, with black and white geptads being the rarest of colours, having few examples for either being recorded in geptad history.
Geptad reproductive organs are located on their bellies. Due to this, geptads wear no clothing on their lower halves, except for shoes - but these are not particularly common. They do, however, wear a top at all times. This is why they almost always wear a belt. Likewise, the collar of a geptad is much more tighter-fitting around the neck in comparison to usual tops for the same reason.
The vast majority of geptads wear some sort of facial makeup or clay markings. This is the equivalent of a hairstyle and is the vessel they use to express themselves, alongside their clothing. These facial markings are changeable. Some especially expressive geptads even decorate the additional spikes and scales they have specific to their bloodline, but this is viewed as a little radical of an action. It's a bit like another race's possible outlook on tattoos and piercings, only it is seen as even odder among geptads by comparison. Tail accessories are common but not necessarily required.
Geptads, much like many species, have a variety of face and body shapes. Geptads also have enhanced sight but slightly diminished hearing in comparison to humans.
Geptads are nomadic and very good at adapting to new environments. Many cannot stand not moving and are a bit restless by nature.
They live in nomadic groups known as colonies, which consist of exactly 36 individuals. The group number is never higher or lower, though at times the party seen is smaller due to certain geptads either having some alone time or being off on their own individual quests. No matter what, though, a geptad will always return to its group, and once the group is made each geptad can find its group easily. This was always the case before space travel. Since then, there are geptads who have spent more time away from their colonies on space expeditions. These are treated as merely extended versions of "alone time/individual quests".
Gender is irrelevant when it comes to colonies. Entirely female colonies exist, as do entirely male colonies, along with colonies with equal amounts or a bias leaning towards a certain gender. Geptads are nomadic so encountering other geptads, and therefore potential mates, is never an issue. Within each colony, there are six working groups - each consisting of 6 geptads.
These groups are:
The tacticians, who handle the delicate politics between colonies as well as battle tactics should such a situation arise.
Guards, who defend the colony and act as its primary soldiers in times of battle. Those who lead the other geptads in such times and are the strongest fighters.
There are the scouts, who decide where the colony goes next and scout out the land, determining where is safe and where is not.
The gatherers, who hunt and, well, gather food, in addition to cooking it.
Carers, those in charge of keeping the campsite clean and orderly. The ones responsible for transporting the colony's equipment when it moves around.
Finally, the entertainers, who provide much-needed leisure for the colony. They also create art and media for geptad colonies worldwide.
There are no cities on Lisaur, only moving campsites. Geptads each own a tent, which has all their personal belongings within. They carry this around whenever they move places. The time interval for staying in a place is indefinite and heavily relies on the general colony's mood and feelings. The tacticians make the final call but it is a very diplomatic process.
When an egg is laid, one member of each group aids in taking the egg to the central Isle of Birth. The parents do not go on this journey no matter which group they are in. The carer is responsible for carrying the egg. The egg is then given to the geptad elders of the Isle, before the group of six returns to their colony.
The geptad elders consist of extremely old geptads who have outlived their Colonies. They are treated with extreme respect as it is their sole duty to raise the young and teach them. Geptad children live solely on the Isle, where they undergo many, many tests in order to place them in the group that they will work in for the rest of their lives until death or becoming an elder themselves. The geptad children, known as lirep colloquially, finalize their group at the age of 10, which is just when adolescence begins. Once this happens, lireps leave the central metropolis of teaching on the Isle and go out to find their colony. They tend to first find people from their group and form a strong group of six before finding other groups and forming a colony, but approximately a third do not do this and instead just form firm friendships with geptads who they meet, which they then use in forming a colony. Once a colony has formed it leaves the isle, heading out to the rest of the geptad world. If a geptad dies especially young, or if a geptad is banished from its Colony, then despite being adults, the geptads return to the Isle. Those searching for a new colony meet those who need a new member and if the process is successful, the geptad joins the colony.
Mating is a complex affair, but geptads mate out of a mixture of physical attraction, a feeling of love and a great deal of respect and awe at the geptad's work within their Group. Geptads can mate with any geptad they meet, be it a developing relationship in their own colony or a brief but solid relationship with a geptad from another one. Geptads may sire more than one child and it may be with more than one partner or with the same partner. Homosexual relationships also exist with decent frequency despite not resulting in any children.
Children are not as precious to geptads, as a geptad is very unlikely to meet its parents. Even if it does, there is no connection between parent and child bar the subtleties of genetics, so the parent and child would likely not even know that a geptad they met was related to them. Having more than one sexual partner is also just as common and rather normal in geptad society. Nomadic life means that the concept of monogamy doesn't really exist, although if your mate happens to be in your colony, ending relationships can turn sour and result in one of the pair leaving the colony.
Geptad names are 6 letters long. Surnames don't exist but geptads can take on a title that serves as their surname such as "Akyloh the Smith" or "Zorrak the Untamed". Geptad names feature the letters Z, Y, K, L and I most frequently but do also have A and E as vowel sounds along with the rest of the alphabet. S is a rare letter in geptad names, as are bilabial sounds due to the fact that they are hard to pronounce for geptads.
Geptads used to be ravaged by wars between the six bloodlines. Colonies still existed, but they didn't move around nearly as much. The Geptad race was nomadic, but it stayed rather firmly in its natural habitat. Due to wars, life expectancy was lower. The Zaurin Agreement abolished this bloodline arrangement, forcing geptads to live in colonies. Tensions still sometimes occur among some geptads of different bloodlines, especially among the sworn and bitter enemies of the past, the Desert and Marsh geptads, but geptads live in reasonable harmony.
Colony wars are an inevitability, however. Colonies often get into bitter rows and partake in battle, sometimes several of them. In fact, in a decent number of cases colonies never end their feud, engaging in bitter battle each time they encounter their sworn enemies. Despite being nomadic, geptads still have a tendency to stick around the same area in a continent for a long time, only moving on when any geptads in their colony unsuited to that habitat show sign of illness, so such wars can carry on for quite some time.
Desert Geptads: These have several spikes coming from their foreheads, as well a few much smaller spikes coming from their cheekbone area.
Forest Geptads: This type have a large singular spike coming from the center of their forehead. Scales are attached to this spike, creating what appears to be a leaf. Similar but much smaller versions of this protrude from the cheekbone area.
Marsh Geptads: Marsh geptads have three rigid bones resembling dorsal fins on their forehead. They also have gill-like skin flaps coming from their cheekbones down to their jawline.
Plains Geptads: This type have bone structures coming from their forehead and cheekbones, much like desert geptads. However, unlike desert geptads, these bones are incredibly supple and curl slightly, creating what appears to be grass flowing in the wind.
Earthern Geptads: They have a large singular horn made of bone on their forehead that bears a slight resemblance to a drill. They also have two oval dome protrusions on their cheeks that look identical to those of a mountain geptad, but rather than conserving heat energy like theirs, these outgrowths transfer it into light energy. This allows them to act as a soft glowing torchlight, for seeing better underground.
• Common jobs are dependent on role in Colony.
Tacticians - Ship Captain, Scientists, Admin Work
Guards - Guard, The Muscle, Mercenary
Scouts- Navigator, Pilot, Scouts, Often make good Mechanics/Engineers
Gatherer - Chef/Cook, Hunter, Anything to do with Plants
Carer - Ship Doctor, Teacher, Mechanic/Engineer
Entertainer - Entertainer/Artist , Social stuff, often are Salesmen.
• Geptads and aftiks get on extremely well. The slow, enduring nature of the Geptads compliments the aftiks' speed and ease of tiredness very well, and both species are fond of large groups. If an aftik needs soldiers, they will call upon Geptad colonies to aid them for this reason.
• A final species of geptad known as arctic geptads used to exist, who specialized in living at the poles. However, they were a very small group, and in the wars of old, were made extinct.
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