Art by, Dr9com9ge
Danger Level: Medium
Likes: Running, Fruits, Flingable objects
Dislikes: Screegulls, Being snuck up from behind, Being tipped over
Attack Method: Will open an attack with a sonic yell to stun and then proceed to either trample or slap victim with their tail and/or wings.
A yellwhale has a long cylindrical body. They are born in various shades of yellow with a lighter underbelly and markings behind the eye. On rare occasions, some may be green or orange or even lack markings. On its back is two paddle-like wings with air sacs beneath them. These sacs are connected to the lungs of the whale and assist with gliding and powering the powerful sonic boom yell the creatures produce. This yell is possible due to the whale's highly adapted vocal cords which allow for it, Though yellwhales are capable of other less dangerous vocalizations than yells such as squeaks and whistles.
The head of the whale is large and the transition between it and the body is quite difficult to discern. On its face is a large mouth that usually shows a grin of sorts. Its teeth mostly consist of flat teeth meant for chopping and grinding matter, but it's known that yellwhales will not pass up smaller animals as snacks. They also possess large eyes with black pupils to the sides of their heads used for spotting potential threats, but their range of sight is limited due to being unable to look behind them without turning around.
Their hooved legs are short and stumpy but are surprisingly strong. These strong legs allow them to run fast enough to start taking off into the air. Despite the strength of these legs, it is easy to tip over a yellwhale to its side. This will usually lead to being attacked by the whale as soon as it gets up.
Yellwhales are covered in thick rubbery skin that takes impacts well. This skin gets thinner on the whale's underbelly. They will become extremely distressed when their bellies are exposed.
Yellwhales are led by the oldest female in the herd who takes care of the yell-calves. Most members are usually family members of the matriarch. Usually, males will wander off by themselves to find mates but then return to their family a short time afterward.
This matriarch will lead the herd in a formation that consists of her in the front, the stronger adults around the edges, and the calves and weaker whales in the center. This formation will protect the young and weak from predators on land but leaves them open to aerial attacks.
They have a great hatred for screegulls due to the birds targetting their calves. A screegull will swoop down and grab a calf using its talons and fly off with it. This will lead to the herd chasing after the gull, enraged that one of their own has been taken. Though they rarely can save the yellcalf they will use their sonic yells to force the screegull to flee the area.
This baby eating behavior of the gulls has led to them being attacked on sight by the herd of whales. Often a lone screegull cannot take on a herd and will flee before getting hit with the sonic booms. A herd will usually chase out other predators in their vicinity as well.
However, their demeanor towards people and larger non-aggressive fauna would be considered quite friendly. Often they will walk up to people and inspect them before deciding to follow them around out of curiosity.
There have even been cases of injured travelers surrounded by herds to protect them. These herds will often stay put in the area and bring food there until the traveler has recovered or has died. This behavior also occurs when a herd member gets hurt as well.
When one does aggravate a yellwhale it will face them with their mouth slightly open and in an expression resembling a frown. this is the final warning before it releases a sonic yell powerful enough to knock an animal larger than itself over. This frown also is a form of visual communication to others in a herd that there is a threat and that the whale is afraid or angry.
When the entire herd frowns they will flee. Curiously enough the matriarch will rarely frown and have been known to fight predators that attack her herd to the death. This buys the herd time to escape but may lead to the matriarch dying, in which case the second eldest female will take her place.
Yellwhales have been known to return to where the carcasses of their herd mates lie, seeming to investigate the body and returning often. These whales will sing mournful songs at the site of the corpse.
Walkwhale: Walkwhales are the massive flightless cousins to the yellwhales. They are so large that most predators struggle to hunt them and that other creatures live on their backs. Walkwhales come in shades of muted blue and off whites. They lack wings as they are far too heavy to fly and lack the ability to yell. important to their native planet, nukotii, and its ecosystem as they eat the algae that will overtake areas if left unchecked. Though their size can be destructive if they walk into cities and have to be steered away using tamed screegull flocks.
Sonic yell: Yellwhales can produce sonic booms using their voices. This is powered by their large lungs and air sacs, and is used as a defense mechanism against predators, and will take a few large breaths to do again.
• A researcher had placed a lemon on the ground near a herd of yellwhales. The whales surrounded the lemon and kept nudging at it. This experiment ended when one whale had accidentally stepped on the lemon, crushing it. The whole herd panicked afterward. Yellwhales apparently cannot discern between a newborn calf and a lemon.
• Yellwhales are often tamed as used for battles and protection due to their powerful yells and overall physical prowess.
• Yellwhales love to fling things using their tail and will catapult objects put on their tail.
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