Art by, Chimerii
Common Jobs: Merchants, Teachers, Traders
Likes: Water, Fair trades, Cold
Dislikes: Gambling, Heat
Attack Method: Remove their hood and bite.
They don't care much about gods, but occasionally will worship one.
Ignivis have their upper body completely hidden with a cloak, all that can be seen is their tail and their face, which resembles two glowing white lines for eyes and one glowing white line for a mouth, the changes of emotion that happen will look oddly smooth. This is because this is not their true face. It is simply a patch of white scales on their chin that can glow. Their true face is two eyes between the fake ones and a large mouth full of small sharp teeth.
They are covered in a light gray skin with icy blue splotches here and there, and they have a sharp horn on the edge of their snout. They have a fin that has a symbol on it, the symbol is determined by which clan the ignivis is in. "Round" have a circle with a hole in it, "Pointed" have a triangle with a crevice in it, and "Four" have a square with a square hole. Rounds have black and white cloaks with circular patterns, Pointeds have blue and green cloaks with triangular patterns, and Fours have red and yellow cloaks with square patterns.
Ignivis are a very friendly race. Even if their prices are extremely high, some people would rather buy from the ignivis due to their charm. Each clan has different beliefs however. Rounds believe the only way to succeed is with wit. Pointeds believe it must be done with magic, while Fours believe only with physical combat can this be done.
Even with their differences each clan will often trade with the other, and if any ignivis sees another from a different clan, they will often have a friendly reunion. In fact, it is more likely to find a Round talking with a Pointed than with a Round talking with another Round. This is because ignivis believe talking to the same people all the time is boring, and thus will look for ignivis from other clans.
Nothing notable.
None / Unknown.
Blubber: Not only can ignivis withstand a temperature that could freeze most, but they are capable of surviving being frozen for periods of time.
• Many people have seen ignivis bump into eachother in the water, and then fling their heads up to see who it is. The witnesses were often very confused before being told about ignivis and their chin eyes.
• Before ignivis showed their face to anyone, there was a myth that if anyone pulled their hood down, their face would be so horrifying that person would be forever cold and never find warmth. This was however disproved when the three leaders of the ignivis clans pulled their hoods down on TV, and their faces were almost completely normal.
• The Cosmosdex team apologizes for how much the person that made this entry loves the phrase "chin face."
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