Art by, Blackwing24
Age: 15 years
Size: 3'10 ft tall
Species: Scarfie
Job: Pied Piper, Stingy’s Joy
Likes: Stingsy, Attention, Warmth, Treats, Playing Hide and Seek
Dislikes: People Who Harm Stingsy, Loud Noises, Cages
Notable contributions: Charmed a butterfly and stayed around it for an extended period of time.
Original Creator: Kenshiago
Co-creator: KleenFarsight
Rainbow is a scarvie that is around average height, though is
a little heavier than a normal member of her species. The main draw of
Rainbow is her dazzling arrangement of colors adorning her plumage,
which makes her a rare spectacle among scarvies. Her eyes match this
style, with a sliding variation of colors circling around her pupils.
Atop her snout are two stripes that move up and circle around the edges
of her eyes, with a similar stripe sliding down her back and curling
into a swirl upon her haunches. She seems to wear a variety of torn
scarves gifted to her.
Stingsy shares many of the same features as a typical butterfly would
have, with a few noticeable differences. For starters, Stingsy stands at
an impressive 8 feet tall, a whole foot taller than their average
counterparts. Their backside is adorned in a few crude drawings put in
place by Rainbow, made from a mixture of various substances that are
mostly unknown in nature, while their front side has a darker, lavender
coloration. The general pattern on their front side is different as
well, blending into multiple different swirling patterns, but the
splattered effect on the wings remains the same, interrupted only by the
occasional patch of dried blood.
Rainbow is a sweet little creature, usually found wandering
around areas looking for items or people of interest. When she finds
someone she usually gets very personal with them, looking for attention.
She will do anything to get someone to like her, playing with them,
helping them out, and just being adorable in general. Rainbow is a
massive distraction, and even if her target isn't killed something is
going on when they are not looking.
She is the brains of the duo, using her disarming personality to either
help Stingsy move along without being noticed, or helping lure prey out
into the open for Stingsy. She keeps an eye out for the most dangerous
threat to her friend, and alerts them to this, making sure their
butterfly guardian is safe.
Stingsy, on the other hand, is the much more savage of the two. Sure,
Stingsy is known to spend large chunks of their day playing and spending
time with Rainbow, much friendlier behaviour than any other butterfly
has ever shown, but do not let their playful exterior fool you.
Underneath holds the heart of killer, and they will not hesitate to
emerge from the shadows should Rainbow become endangered, expending all
of their available energy to ensure she comes to no harm.
This muscle is typically unfocused, being the strength of the duo, but
with Rainbow showing them where to strike to bring down their foes,
their attacks find their marks much easier. Multiple times Stingsy has
made sacrifices in their attempts to rescue their beloved scarfie,
whether it be going without food for weeks, dislocating a wing, or
taking near fatal blows just to land the final strike needed to take
down an opponent. Should Rainbow ever near death's door, Stingsy will
fly into an unbridled rage, magnifying any of their previous abilities
to ludicrous extremes, until either they or their foes lie dead. And
Stingsy doesn't plan on dying.
Rainbow was born on a resort planet, part of a breeding
program to create the most dazzling color of scarfie possible. Out of
her siblings she got a collection of genes that gave her, instead of a
couple rare colors, a large assortment of colors coating her whole form.
She was the main attraction, the dazzling rainbow. She was raised to
garner attention, taught tricks, and for a few years she would be on
display for all to see, until a group of thieves came and captured her,
slinking off into the wilds of the resort to sneak her off planet.
Before they could make their way offworld, however, they were
intercepted by a rogue butterfly hatchling, each of them trying to run
for their lives before inevitably being slaughtered, as evidenced by
their corpses found by a search party the following morning. How
Rainbow's and Stingsy's first interaction went is unclear, as any
possible witnesses to the event are dead, but it is theorized that
Rainbow used their natural born charming effect to halt the butterfly's
initial attack, and ever since, has needed to rely less on less on their
charm to keep Stingsy by their side as time went on.
Soon afterwards the resort planet went silent, and sightings of the rare
rainbow scarfie began to show up in different areas of the universe,
along with reports of butterfly attacks in the same areas. Should anyone
encounter a rainbow scarfie in the wild, we at the Cosmosdex strongly
advise treating them with utmost care, and getting out of the area as
soon as possible. Even if it is not the same Rainbow mentioned in this
article, it is still better to be safe than sorry, and hope that you are
not next on the list of victims lost to the duo.
Forever Friends: Whenever Rainbow and Stingsy are separated they always find their way back to the other. Always.
• Stingsy has been known to bring the hearts of freshly killed victims to Rainbow, as well as any ‘neat trinkets’ or scarves; a twisted display of affection as her caring guardian. They are well received gifts, the best on which in Rainbow's eyes being carried along with them on their travels,, but that doesn’t make the act any less terrifying.
• Scarvies have been known to go missing for periods of time, before hurrying back to their owners in a panic in areas where Rainbow and Stingsy were spotted.
• Stingsy has been seen with Rainbow riding atop them before a massacre has occurred. Many artist depictions of this event can be found, but none of them are truly as brutal as the actual scenario.
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