[Cosmosdex] The Universal Encyclopedia



Dumbass / Total Moron / Hey mom look I‘ve got my own cosmosdex page!

“Yeah can I get a motherfucking uhhhhhhhhhh,,, burger?” — Me

Art by, Wild•Fire

  • Strength-2
  • Intelligence-7
  • Charisma-10
  • Endurance-4
  • Agility-2
  • Luck-1

Gener: He/Him
Lgbt: Bi
Gaming pc: Very epic
Fortuna games won: 5
Total fortuna runs: 4,206,969
How many times fucking your parents: 20
Reasons for existing:


•To be an arbiter of chaos. :)

•God‘s greatest joke.

[Artist] Neutral trait
I like to draw shit! I also hate doing it :)
[Childish] Neutral trait
Cannot refrain from making a "your mom" joke for 5 minutes.
[Dirty Memer] Neutral trait
I come up with the worst shit you've ever heard.
[Chip Magnet] Positive trait
[Psychic Powers] Positive trait
Don't ask how robots are capable of Psionic powers.
[Always Late] Negative trait
I dont understand the concept of time
[Blame Magnet] Negative trait
Idk why people like to blame me! i didnt do anything :(
[Immolation] Ability trait
*bursts into flame but super cutely*
[Chaos] Mystery trait

You must observe: Funny mushroom music
Me: Yeah

No info

This profile currently has nothing to show for itself but is public.

Current Team

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Creator / Writer of:
Gandorin |

Artist of:


• You mom

• Engineer Gaming is my dad and he can beat up your dad.

• gwa gwa

• I want that twink obliterated

• My theme music is Probably End up Dead in a Ditch Somewhere, by Nero‘s Day at Disneyland.

• You cannot refute this as anything other than fact.

• Try it. I know you cant.

• I have more Trivia points than I‘m allowed to have, and the government is powerless to stop me.

• All gandorin have fat asses this is canon, sorry babe I don‘t make the rules

• (yes I do, I lied)

• I am god, and you are but a puny worm before my infinitely vast intellect. Quiver in fear at my omnipotence.

• I am full of hatred and I will come for you. Yes, I am talking to YOU.

• • Homestuck

• I‘m living in your walls.

• I don‘t pay my taxes and Space IRS is looking for me