[Cosmosdex] The Universal Encyclopedia



local student / p-class incarnate

“wonderful” — snowi

Art by, Lulu

  • Strength-2
  • Intelligence-8
  • Charisma-8
  • Endurance-1
  • Agility-5
  • Luck-5

Pronouns: she/her
Likes: Arknights, genetics, roleplaying, drawing, programming (sometimes), not physics
Dislikes: Physics, debugging, the arduous process of learning
Garlic bread?: please give
Favorite Species: Vixelsplick

[Cute] Positive trait
my art is permanently cute, and i can‘t do anything about it
[Eloquent Writer] Positive trait
when you happen to rp
[Insulated] Positive trait
my hands are always warm
[Artist] Neutral trait
[Blue] Neutral trait
i am the color blue
[Short] Neutral trait
i am 4‘11‘‘ and will shank thy kneecaps =3
[Bad Liar] Negative trait
[Obsessed with Arknights] Negative trait
the arknights grind
[Nearsighted] Negative trait
imagine getting the sight dlc
[Raw Intimidation] Ability trait
*monches on potato intimidatingly*

Toyhouse: behold, my characters

oh hi thanks for checking in

so… yeah. i‘m snowi. i do art stuff, and i‘ve been reading Fortuna for quite some time before i found a community for it. i‘m still dragging my friends down with me into the fortuna rabbit hole.


why p-4076 is the notail ever

i mean. look at her. she‘s the notail ever. the goober. the silly.

Current Team

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Creator / Writer of:

Artist of:
Jacket |


• i‘m currently writing a crossover fanfic between arknights and fortuna. yes, it‘s still in progress. i haven‘t touched it in forever, though, nor will i ever touch it again

• any pet in the "for sterling" bay, well, for sterling, so ask him for anything concerning those ones like bleeding and stuff

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