[Cosmosdex] The Universal Encyclopedia


Across the vastness of space.....

The planetdex hosts all the info needed on not only planets, but also celestial bodies, important places, and other things such as space bases.


Originally named Modes-Vehemens, Vehemence was the original homeplanet of the darknidows and lightonarchs. During the reign of their supposed god of order, Ebb, darknidows and lightonarchs lived in begrudging harmony. While the darknidows despised Ebb, lived frustrated lives, and eventually turned against him, the lightonarchs were happy with the way their society was and worked to progress science. Many lightonarchs had an interest in space travel, and while their spacecrafts never became advanced enough to leave their galaxy, lightonarchs and darknidows spread across the entire Ninthircle star system.


Vesper was long ignored due to the impracticalities of settling on a planet with no actual land to settle upon. Eventually it was prospected as a prominent source of a key component of starship fuel, and so a bold startup energy corporation bought colonization rights to the planet. They established many floating gas-mines dipping down into the lower-atmosphere. Of course, as these tales go, times went lean, as the more easily accessed sources of fuel gradually dwindled, and the economy gradually declined.


An unassuming white rock, Viparee, or VP-408-1 as it was known then, was deemed the perfect place to build and test superweapon by a team of vaeri scientists. So they bunkered down and established their labs and factories, at some point building a massive superlaser and blowing up the moon. Over time, other morally dubious scientists with an itch for destruction on a planetary scale flocked to the world and established their own labs and factories, and they further attracted scientists who were merely unscrupulous.


The history of Votum is soaked with bloodshed. The crusade against the heretics, or the extermination of many nulls, it has since calmed. Soul, a messenger holiday remembers these tragic times and commemorates the victories and hardships along the way, being held in all messenger cities. Some say Votum used to be a jungle planet that was blown out of orbit by an asteroid. However it recovered, albeit very far away from its original position.


Wockle has always been an untouched rainforest planet teeming with life. Originally, the tockhau were a prey species until they evolved to be adept at music, which repelled their predators. Free to thrive, they eventually developed a civilization and a musical culture, and established many tribes and settlements throughout the planet. No colonization took place however, as the tockhau believe in living in harmony with nature.


Xik's history is mostly unknown, as it was constructed before the Crash, most of the data regarding the colony has been lost. What is known is that it was originally colonized by the kaikians as a defensive post on the fringes of their territory.

At some point in time, however, the planet swapped ownership to the quotillic for reasons unknown.


Yeehaw was colonized by a group of overexcited apidees and aftiks with a love of westerns, and a vaguely defined disrespect for conventional law enforcement. Mostly they thought it would be fun to build a wild west styled town somewhere that nobody could stop them from going all-out.

Eventually some more civic-minded individuals joined them to help them build actual infrastructure. It did turn out that the idea was popular. The law-light cowboy lightstyle was appealing to many.


Zerxon is a planet deep within lawless space, having been mostly untouched due to its size and danger. Even the most fearless pirates knew the beasts within would not be worth attempting to hide among the dense forests, so the planet stayed untouched. Eventually, though, the lucevians found their way to the planet, saying they were lead to it in their dreams.


Like many life-bearing planets with molten interiors, Zygote's history has been tumultous. Near-constant seismic and volcanic activity and a volatile climate cycle have both shaped and culled the life on its surface until quite recently on an evolutionary scale. Although some speculations suggest that life only began to spread on land less than a billion years ago, it is also possible that a number of mass extinctions is responsible for the relative lack of biodiversity among the planet's terrestrial organisms at present--particularly the lack of large land animals.