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Age: 161 years
Size: 5'6" ft tall
Species: Vampwelf
Job: Witch
Likes: Edgelord, Dragons, Snapdragons, Flowers, Dragon Fruit
Dislikes: "Good Witches", Limboists, Her Dad, Most of her family
Notable contributions: Self-Proclaimed Girlfriend to the possible demigod known as Edgelord, a notorious anti-authoritarian rabble rouser, and "Spooky Forest Witch".
Original Creator: SirBlizz98
Elola is a thoroughly fit vampwelf of average height. Her body is covered in dark black fur, tinged almost imperceptibly a faint shade of scarlet that can be seen under certain lights. She has a head of long black hair that reaches just past her upper back, styled in a deliberately unkempt manner so as to appear more "wild and untamed".
Often she ties various herbs and plants into her hair, mostly flowers, but also random leaves, bits of twig, and even grass.
She wears what one would describe as a "Witchy" style of dress. It consists of what is ostensibly a traditional style of vampwelf dress, deliberately ripped at the knees and styled in such a way as to appear "fashionably unkempt". She wears numerous belts and pouches, ostensibly to hold things she uses in her "witchcraft". Her ensemble is completed by a prodigiously sized "Witch Hat" atop her head.
She wears a silver chain necklace affixed with a multitude of religious icons, such as a symbol of The Radical, the symbol associated with the anomaly Edgelord, An "S", among a myriad of other things of that sort.
Generally a quiet and reserved sort of girl, Elola's not exactly the sort of person one would associate with The Radical or beings affiliated with it. In most scenarios she is quiet and respectful, unwilling, generally, to step on toes and seemingly cause drama.
Indeed one would question how a person like her, who in most ways would seem to be the "Perfect Vampwelf Daughter" would ever enter into a position such as the one she is, living in the middle of the woods worshiping a dragon.
This state of affairs becomes elucidated when one realizes that she has an understated anti-authoritarian streak and a pointed dislike of the ordinary. Indeed she resents most conventions, certainly those generally held by vampwelf, and regards most of their traditions as "silly little distractions." Preferring instead to meander wildly in the woods and consort with the myriad of bizarre creatures that make their home in the wilder places of the universe.
She's a freewheeling sort who generally resents when people tell her what to do, often regardless of whether its a bad idea or not. The main exception to this being her supposed "boyfriend", for whom she reserves a rather uncharacteristic deference bordering on the obsequious.
Indeed contrary to her general lack of interest in any sort of organization or authority, she displays a fanatical devotion to her particular form of radical worship. She's quite dedicated and willing to preach to anyone who seems willing to listen, and generally into the open air at odd hours of the night. By her own admission she'd do "anything" for The Radical, and certainly will do anything to anyone she feels disrespects them.
Elola was born in a typical situation for a vampwelf. She was the youngest daughter of a minor lord who already had seven others, a position which would ordinarily entitle her to a relative amount of freedom compared to most, as its generally a given that elder siblings take up most responsibilities.
But unfortunately, Elola's father was something of taskmaster, the esteemed if remarkably unimportant Lord Eisling, whom even by the standards of vampwelf families, who usually demand priority over a vampwelf's individual life, was a demanding tyrant. Her daylight hours were monopolized by the strictest lessons in courtesy, etiquette, and all the manner of other things that a well-to-do damsel aught to know. And all her nights were occupied by being veritable show-pony to a parade of potential future husbands.
Such was the nature of Elola's life from around the age of seven for -if her father had any say in he matter- the conceivable future. This was not something Elola particularly looked forward to, and multiple times she attempted to escape this most undesired fate. Dozens of times over the next year alone she attempted this, whether a daring midnight flight, stashing away in the peasantry cargo, or even simply attempting to pretend to be the daughter of one of her father's many guests, for certainly, she figured, her status certainly couldn't get any worse.
It was on one of the more brazen of these attempts, for Elola had simply elected to fling herself off of a fourth story balcony, not particularly minding the potentially final alternate outcome, that her fate took a rather unusual turn. After somewhat improbably surviving her fall, she naturally made to scarper into the nearby woods. As with all prior attempts, things went rather well up to this point, but she was fairly resigned to the fact that would likely soon be caught, yet again.
This time however things would be different. Firstly for the fact that she had, unbeknownst to even herself, gone in an entirely different direction than she had usually fled, but perhaps more importantly for running face first into an eight foot tall dragon man in the way. Like most young vampwelf, she had heard many stories, of dragons, and dragon-like beings, horrible scaled creatures with great vast wings, that destroyed to otherwise unassailable castles of the vampwelf, devoured whole towns, and kidnapped small children.
This being however, was far worse than any other, the stories told. He was a mannish-dragon, clad in black scales and sharpish garb. Crowned in a ring of spear-like horns, and possessed of a wild countenance that hid nothing of hi aggressive intent. This being of dragonish dispensation, was the lord of them all, Elola had been told, and even meeting him was a moment which would spell doom for any vampwelf.
None of which particularly mattered to Elola at the moment, as, instead of fear, concern, or even a basic fight-or-flight response, she felt a peculiar fluttering in her chest that, at the time, mostly confused the young vampwelf.
This moment of poorly understood affection, passed, when, as she had guessed, Her father's guards caught up to her. While Elola barely understood her half-formed feelings of affection, she nonetheless immediately associated the fearsome dragon-devil with her longing for freedom. She gave the imposing being a pleading, plaintive look, one which the Dark-dragon beast seemed to understand directly. Shortly then, the pursuers were sliced into bloody ribbons, by a darkly sword, that seemingly manifested for just this purpose.
This display of violence only served to exacerbate the nascent, poorly understood feelings, in her young heart. The black-scaled dragon was seemingly amused by her enamored response, and offered to "take her far and away", and, to the surprise of absolutely noone, the taken young Elola, immediately agreed. And they flew so very far away.
Or at least, that's the way Elola generally tells the story, when asked about it.
• Elola does not enjoy being propositioned romantically, naturally as she insists she's "taken", but also because she reportedly finds such things "really embarrassing and kind-of pathetic". Not that she'll say such things directly to people, usually hoping to avoid a direct confrontation.
• Despite the name, Elola isn't actually married to Edgelord, mainly because there was no legally valid marriage, or any sort of ceremony, but also because the alias of Edgelord she claims to be married to, Lord Faustus Darkedge does not legally exist as a person.
• Shortly after her leaving, the esteemed if incredibly minor Lord Eisling, His castle, and most of his estate were destroyed by dragons. Despite this Elola's opinion on these things didn't change much, "They were all terrible people" she's was quoted as saying.
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