[Cosmosdex] The Universal Encyclopedia


Real or fake, they are blessed.....

This section contains all the non-limbo related gods. These gods have their own religion and following, though it must be sizeable enough to belong here. Cult-like followings or beliefs that believe a living or deceased person was a god go into the legendary section as opposed to this one. This area is only for those gods who cannot be absolutely proven to exist in the first place.

A - D

E - H


Despite the hatred darknidows harbor for Ebb, he is most often described as an amiable and optimistic god. All of his judgement was given out with a smile, no matter the severity of the chaos he was correcting. To him, the order he was imposing was making the universe a better place. Legends about his death say that his grin stayed wide even as his body was lacerated. In texts written by the darknidows, Ebb is described as having a single-minded obsession with obtaining perfect order throughout the universe.

I - L


Irrigo is described as a rather passive being, which rarely meddles in affairs of mortals. However, it is believed that it looks kindly upon the insignificant, these who's death would not change anything, and who's life would not leave any trace.

M - P

Q - T


Rng is widely acknowledged by its followers as an entity from beyond this reality, with a consciousness and sense of self utterly removed from what any mortal in this existence could comprehend or recognize as the mind of a fellow living thing. This vast gulf of understanding is credited to our being the product of an inherently ordered universe, one where the inevitable arc of existence tends toward comprehension and understanding. Rng's motives and why it bothers to interact with this universe are, thus, inherently unknowable.


Ok, listen. I know as dex writers we're supposed to be really objective, and scientific, and formal but I'm so sick of this article. I've rewritten it 4 times in the past week because of how we keep finding out that EVERYTHING IN THE ARTICLE IS WRONG! So, for its presence? No idea! Scribble is incomprehensible.

The Eye

The Eye does not, per se, have a disposition towards the teeming creatures that inhabit reality, because it is not aware of them. As he meditates in his own moment, that awareness encompasses himself and all that he is, but strays no further as he contemplates matters unknowable. This could be mistaken for the callousness and uncaringness of many gods of the Limbo, but is fundamentally different.

U - Z