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Crew 0 Button Set

This is the crew 0 button set, based off of a crew who went over to Fortuna on a whim, fools, but money is money, and people love these idiots. This set contains Leonard, Apasem, Codebug Pal, Apollo v1, and of course, the captain. Due to this being a set the price of it is cheaper than buying all five of them any other way. If you're looking for an assortment of buttons check out this other listing.

All buttons are 1.75 water resistant but not waterproofed pin-backs, so if you're a fan of people hurtling their way to death then well then let me tell you a secret. Money speaks volumes, and I'm willing to overlook your choices if you pay me....this time. c:<

Button Assortment
$2.00 and up