[Cosmosdex] The Universal Encyclopedia


Below is a list of rules for Speedtuna for both the viewer and host as well as well as some FAQs on the event. If you have any more questions about Speedtuna please contact us.

Speedtuna is funded by the Cosmosdex Patreon. If you would like to help keep [Speedtuna] and the Cosmosdex running please consider donating, most donations will be able to obtain rewards.

Watcher Rules

1. Avoid spamming suggestions. Spamming suggestions, or making the same suggestion/joke every suggestion round may cause the host to ignore all of the spammed suggestions. Suggesting the same thing over and over will not make the host more likely to pick it.

2. If a vote is called please give in your vote, and then abstain from any comments until the vote is over to make the votes easier for the host to count.

3. Please stay friendly with your fellow crewmembers! Everyone is on the same team so infighting will only hurt chances in the game. Speedtuna is rarely serious and thus serious discussions should be avoided. If overstepping or fights happen those involved will be muted so they may cool off until the next stream. Please make sure to listen to both the host and any mods they might have in chat.

4. If species suggestions are asked for, ONLY suggest species who are in the Cosmosdex.

5. The watchers may not suggest starting a new game, starting a tutorial, or deleting the universe except in extreme cases. All suggestions of that type will be ignored by the host.

6. Understand that to keep up the speed of the game the host might not go with suggestions that got the most attention. The host may pick whichever suggestions they want, this can be either because they spotted a way to move faster using it, or simply because this is the suggestion that stuck out to them.

Host Rules

1. Speedtuna must be finished within 4 sessions, also called a month cycle. If the host faild to finish the speedtuna in a month cycle, the game must be declared non canon or all characters must die in the final hour and the game declared a loss, but canon. This event has yet to happen.

2. The host is not to plan any plot or set up any artwork until the Speedtuna starts. Everything, plot, art, text, must be done in the Speedtunas. The only exception to this is the menu and character creation screen, as well as text boxes. The host is allowed to use assest already created for Fortuna or a past Speedtuna game to speed up the process.

3. Speedtunas must stay as closely as possible to Fortuna rules as possible, and as such can be considered mostly canon.


Q. What is a Speedtuna?
A. A speedtuna is a speedrun of Fortuna, both in a game sense, and in a drawing sense. All the art is in the most bear-bones doodle format, so that the host of the speedtuna can get to the end of the game as soon as possible. Speedtuna is also played out as if it were a video game speedrun, with some popular speedrun moves and skip types being used.

Q. Why are there so many spelling/formatting errors?
A. Speedtuna 1 - 10 were done quite a long time ago and all text was saved out as an image, thus disallowing editing of text. Until speedtuna is updated into our new system, seen in speedtuna 11 and above, the errors will have to stay it is not recommended to report on them, as we are aware of the errors already.

Q. When do Speedtunas happen?
A. Speedtuna is supported by the people on Patreon. Depending on the vote for that month the patreons may vote on speedtuna being ran. If you would like to see more speedtuna feel free to join the patreon and vote for it. When a speedtuna is voted for the last speedtuna page will link to the twitch host of the current speedtuna run, with a date and time the next run will start. Typically this is on a Saturday at 1pm EST but those times may change month to month.

Q. What should I expect from a Speedtuna stream?
A. If it is your first Speedtuna stream you should expect a fast pace back and forth between the watchers suggesting and the host creating the story. Speedtunas are much sillier in plot and characters and as such jokes are rampent. Overall it is a delightful four to six hours of humor and nonsense.