Cookie Consent by Fortuna | Cosmosdex



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[Talkative] Neutral trait
This character will talk for ages if allowed and rarely runs out of anything to say.
[Loyal] Neutral trait
This character is loyal to whoever they are aligned with and it would take a lot to ever drag them away from that.
[Realistic] Neutral trait
This character can look at a situation realistically and decide when to give up or back off. This sometimes causes the character to back away from situations that can possibly won with a bit of effort or luck.
[Overreacts] Negative trait
This character is likely to overreact to a situation even if the situation is not major. This character likely sees issues as bigger than they are and commonly frightens others.
[Upbeat] Positive trait
This character doesn’t lose morale as fast and can never hit negative morale. No matter what the situation, this character will keep their head up high and may raise the morale of others. The optimistic trait may drain sanity if the character is in a bad situation for a long amount of time.
[Adventurous] Positive trait
This character will answer the call to adventure more often than not. With this trait they are more likely to run into places with more loot to be found. This character is less daunted by certain situations and morale is raised whenever they’re put in an adventurous situation. This character may have fears, but they’re willing to meet it face to face.
[Popular] Positive trait
This character is popular around others and tends to know just the right words to use in a situation. Characters are less likely to look negatively on this character and morale raises while speaking to them.
[Never Sleeps] Positive trait
This character will never sleep and will not have any ill effects due to lack of sleep.
[Energizer] Ability
By some means, whether by speech, yelling, or just about anything else, this character can cause their whole crew’s morale to increase and for a few moments after the ability is activated the whole crew will be able to ignore any negative buffs, injuries, and pain.

Latta Spice
Captain / Mapper

Strength- 3
Intelligence- 10
Charisma- 7
Endurance- 5
Agility- 4
Luck- 1


Fine! You request a more boring set up, then you will get one. Here is the back up I had just in case you were unwilling to listen to my first idea. Co-Player, what do you think about Latta? Is she fitting for this crew?

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