Cookie Consent by Fortuna | Cosmosdex



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You wonder if your friend might have any ideas on how to help you. You get ready to message him but it seems he's one step ahead.

CowBoy: Hey Player!
CowBoy: Are u really still up? R U even a real person?

Player: YES, I think so.

CowBoy: Hahhaha, very funny.
CowBoy: That reminds me, I was speaking with someone about some of the Fortuna changelogs today.

Player: The changelogs?

CowBoy: Yeah, it has all the bug fixes on it.You should always read the changelog before downloading an update. Fucking change logs are a hoot. Just. Wait let me just get you some bits of past change logs.

CowBoy: - Horses are no longer people.
CowBoy: - The bug where Apollo units would scream and refuse to stop screaming whenever a paper plate was within 20 feet of them has been fixed.
CowBoy: - Having a Nike in your crew gave all crew members a hidden [Cannibalism] trait. This was not an intended effect and has been fixed.

CowBoy: - The notail singularity has been removed.
CowBoy: - Chickens will no longer spawn in space.
CowBoy: - Generics will no longer spawn in closets.
CowBoy: - The bug where drakons would hoard paper plates but would scream and refuse to stop screaming whenever a paper plate was within 20 feet of them has been fixed.
CowBoy: - Anything Eris does is not a bug it's a feature. Please stop reporting this.

CowBoy: - Toasters are no longer valid crew members.
CowBoy: - Naming a character the same name as a god would cause the character to become that god in the body of a character. This has been fixed.
CowBoy: - The Radical dragon and Thanatos accidentally swapped data with each other causing the Radical dragon to set whole planets on fire automatically. This was totally un-rad of him.

CowBoy: - Having Nike as a patron causes enemies to burst into coins when killed. Due to the bursting these coins were counted as a projectiles and would commonly smash in to, or if enough coins were spawned, crush and flatten characters. Coins will no longer be counted as possible weapons when using Nike.
CowBoy: - Somnus has stopped breathing.
CowBoy: - The bug where paper plates would scream and refuse to stop screaming whenever another paper plate was within 20 feet of them has been fixed.

CowBoy: - Kuppa's can no longer be bred to bleed lava.
CowBoy: - You can no longer use potato chips, and water to create a bomb.
CowBoy: - Characters will stop murdering each other over hats.
CowBoy: -Paper plates have been removed from the game.

Player: Wow those bugs sound intense. I hope I don't run into any of them.

CowBoy: The bugs in Fortuna are part of the experience dude. If you don't run into a swarm of absurd bugs then what is even the point?

Player: I'm not sure if I share the same thoughts.
Player: So what have you been doing? Have you beaten the Sun God run cause I could really use help.

CowBoy: Nah, I gave up on that shit. It was just too freaking hard.
CowBoy: Decided to buy the Egyptian god expansion pack instead and play with that. Fucking Anubis rocks. He just might beat Artemis and Nike as my favorite patron god.
CowBoy: I haven't found a 2nd patron that works well with this dude yet.

Player: You can have a 2nd patron?

CowBoy: You can have up to two patrons but the 2nd slot is a little costly and you have to deal with patron drama. U can't just freaking put 2 people in a room and expect them to just get along.

Player: I guess I'll think about getting that. Also are their more packs that can be brought? It sounds like there are.

CowBoy: Yeah but you have to pay for them. Also you can't just slam them in at anytime, you have to start a new universe.

Player: Eh. I guess it's not worth it right now then.

CowBoy: Why are you so dead set on this dumb Sun God run?

Player: I'm just trying to finish this run and fix their universe, you messed it all up.

CowBoy: Uuuuugh I- just- no. I'm not getting in to this again. Is there anything else you want to talk about other then how "mean" I was to some video game characters?

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