Cookie Consent by Fortuna | Cosmosdex



> No that's fine, show me my god.

Apollo v1

Lets see here, it looks like your god is nothing Player! Wow, the gods were so disgusted with you that none of them would pick you. I'm not sure if you know this but the Limbo gods are basically the worst people ever, for no one to pick you that must mean you're either too bad for them, or just too nice. Anyway, here's your Limbo badge! If you would like to change it just say so.

Limbo badge

[You appear to gain a Limbo badge. You suspect that the Limbo badge is nothing but a useless knickknack but seeing as this is a game there's no reason to refuse a nonphysical object, even if you don't see a need for it. You wonder if maybe one day the badge will be useful for anything.]

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