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Now that all of that is over, it seems like a good time as ever to wonder what that red highlight that saved Nova's life was. I wonder if there's someone who might just know what that was.

Huh, Helios? Aren't you going to write over my notes? Hmm, did something happen to Helios?

Noverus Rayson

All things have been moved, captain. I will have to inform you though that the other ship seems to have a bit of blood, everywhere. Seeing as it appears we are about to take off, and once we do it will be impossible to travel between ships, you and Nikki will have to clean it up.

Hmmmmm.....I'm not writing on your notes peon because it appears my red marker has run out of ink for me to use.

Ah, there you are, Helios.

Either way, I would like to inform you peon that it was me who highlighted the red right for you. It appeared you needed help and it is my duty to help a peon such as yourself with such things.

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