Heaven Station


O' thocahíu, O' bullfighter!




The Vikingman
Created: 2024-04-11
Owner: Chikaoofka
Creator: Chikaoofka
Age: 75 Years Old
Height: 4'6 Feet Tall
Species: Tockhau
Artist: Chikaoofka
Likes: Music, the cold, water
Dislikes: Galehauts
Personality: Generally mellow and laid-back. Astoundingly unafraid of dying.
Little is known about this person.

A decently well-known off-world tockhau musician. He was always rather well-kept despite being old for a tockhau (at about 45 or so). He used to be very rambunctious and noisy when he was younger, pushing the status quo in a myriad of ways, though he's mellowed out intensely since then. He still liked to push the status quo, though.

He's best known for his high-energy melodic folk, though he's been in quite a few bands, and done quite a few projects, and overall his entire discography is incredibly varied. Unfortunately, though, one day he up and disappeared without a trace. His last known words were criticising the current music market, and it's often rumoured he died--it's been so long since he disappeared anyway, he likely would have died of old age by now.