Barghest Station

Should we face the fear?

While the station does perform research and investigate ways to extract value from anomalies, its primary purpose is to hold them safely before anything else. Killing or destroying anomalies can lead to unpredictable results, so the company makes its main income from the service of removing them from civil society and locking them up. Numerous wings are dedicated to this goal of containment, making up the largest sector of the station.

New acquisitions are initially placed in heavily protected and warded observation rooms, where little is done beyond forming a basic picture of their behaviour from a safe distance. Once the anomaly is better understood, they are moved to a more specialised chamber or enclosure, prepared for them in advance. In many cases, this can seem needlessly cautious, requiring researchers to spend time watching an inanimate object not move, or feeding strange animals a variety of foods through a chute. But in the rare occasion that a subject begins transforming the air around it into acid, or takes root in the floor and begins growing into hull, or grows more dangerous from repetitive actions being performed nearby, these defensive measures are welcome. As a last resort, many chambers can be ejected from the station altogether and primed to self-destruct. To further reduce the likelihood of breaches, the company avoids acquiring blessed individuals or any anomaly that shows too much intelligence, as bringing creatures more capable of deception on board presents an unjustifiable risk.

If an anomaly is considered acceptable, then its stay can last a period of months or even years, with many subjects having never left the station since their arrival. The work of watching them, tending to their needs, and cleaning any by-products, is typically quite straightforward and simple once a working method has been found. Staff simply go in, follow the instructions, and leave.

[Natural Disaster]
[Snooze Time]
[Worthless God]
[Extreme Pacifist]
[Disappointing Failure]
[Activated Chaos]
[Suspicious Loyalty]
[Sore Loser]