Barghest Station


Want it? Need it? Then drown in it!




Unusual Silent Cekeki
Born: 2023-02-15
Owner: Lammar
Artist: Atomic
[Worthless God]
Anomalous Trait: While this creature follows you around, it does not act unless it is using a trait or using a defensive move. If an anomaly of any kind is within its range it will begin to chitter. All nearby anomalies lose -2 to all rolls. Others of its kind do not activate this ability.

You watched it be dragged away by the current, in the confidence one day it would find its rightful way to you. Onlookers called you an idiot, they told you you had wasted the opportunity. They then jumped into the waters for so much as a glance, only to drown helplessly in their own greed. Any good sailor knows the open seas reward patience. Open its package, now why don't you?