Observers Station


Deeper into the murkiness of possibility...




Rare Adventurous Pillywog
Born: 2023-11-10
Owner: wildfire
Artist: NotailFacts
[Double or Nothing]
Anomalous Trait: 20 rolls count as double criticals, 1 rolls count as disaster rolls.

We're going to be a little extreme tonight. We're going to commit to whichever path we go on, so long as it is the furthest from the norm.

You can handle that, right? Of course you can. Of course you can. Deep breath in, now. We're going to step over that threshold any second now, into the smoke and haze of unknown and hurt. And trust me when I tell you, whichever way this goes, it is going to hurt. Why are you stopping? You think I'm scared?

I'm not shaking because I'm afraid. I'm shaking because I'm excited.