Observers Station


All I need are the basics, to make my own art!




Rare Selfish Pillywog
Born: 2023-10-11
Owner: wildfire
Artist: NotailFacts
Netural Trait: This pet always rolls a 10. If disallowed from rolling a 10 it will skip its turn.

I'll never make a masterpiece. I've had that fact drilled into me since I was young, that I would always ride the status quo, no matter the medium I sought out.
They tried to put me down, make me think that I had to be the best to make Anything at all.

They don't get it. You can make bad art, even mediocre art. You can make any kind of average art, and it'll still be important. I might not make murals and statues and beautiful paintings, but with the city street and a can in my hand, I'll make art everywhere. It'll be average, and people will pass it by without a thought of 'I wonder what they meant by that'. But they'll know someone made art on those walls, and they'll acknowledge it.