Cosmic Station





Rare Aggressive Pillywog
Born: 2024-07-01
Owner: Atomic
Artist: NotailFacts
[Suspicious Meat]
Ability Trait: Can produce one ration that is loved by all. (Don't ask.)

Pillywogs are an amphibious bio-machine created for rescue operations. These pillow sized frogs are able to calmly glide down from large heights to cuddle up to injured hikers or support those lost at sea. Inside a pillywog is several tumors, which when squeezed, will cause the creature to either heat up, or cool down depending on what the victim requires. Some pillywogs are even designed to heat up so much that they cook from the inside out, allowing the starving victim a meal. Many who have been saved by pillywogs have gone on to adopt them, slowly turning a search and rescue tool into a booming pet market.