Star Pupil Station





Common Crybaby Monument
Born: 2024-03-27
Owner: Whom
Artist: NotailFacts
[Rigged Victim]
Anomalous Trait: If this pet is hit, roll a die the same number of traits this pet has, excluding this trait. Give one of this pet's traits to the attacker.

Monuments are an ancient fauna spread throughout the universe billions of years ago by an extinct species. Monuments cause a sense of intense wonder and inspiration through their shells, which often look like buildings or notable landmarks. The archeologist profession is plagued by these creatures, as their effect is so strong it can take millenniums for anyone to notice their historic landmark is in reality a crustacean. Oddly enough the great pyramids of E*rth weren't monuments but the entirety of New York City was a monumental nesting site assumed to be completely undetected by h*mans.