Catacomb Station


Not for any mortal sin…




Common Strange Ziptu
Born: 2024-02-21
Owner: dr9com9ge
Artist: frog
[Grande Finale]
Ability Trait: One-time ability to add +20 to a single action. The creature flees after the turn is over.

Take a bow Mr. Phantom… Or should I say Mr. Destler, You've done your act well and continue to do so. But I must ask– When does it all reach a point of no return? A point when we lose Erik Destler the poor child born into a husk of a body and get the Phantom of the opera, a monster that will kill until he's gotten his prey?… That Opera singer…

You care about her, right? Then won't you help me find Ms. Daae?… I'll give you a moment to decide whether your heart remains one of a man or of a pitiful creature of the night.