Observers Station





Legendary Chilled Anomalous Mushbird
Born: 2023-05-03
Owner: wildfire
Artist: wildfire
Positive Trait: This pet is too pretty to get hurt! When attacked roll a 3 sided die, if 3 is rolled the attack is failed. If used during hunts, fauna become slightly easier to catch.

Darling. You sought out that forbidden knowledge, to see the world from a perspective of a being you cannot comprehend the perspective of.
Of course your mind would be shattered, forced back into the constriction of your observable reality. It simply isn't enough.

So let me in, let me into your plane of reality, with my dearest children and my form beyond the laws of your mind. I will show you what you've forced yourself to forget. The veil you thought you'd never again pierce.
Call it what you like, madness or whatnot, but this is my love.