Kenshi Station





Legendary Crybaby Scarvie
Born: 2023-04-26
Owner: Kenshi
Artist: Unknown
Netural Trait: When sent out, this pet randomly picks another pet on the field and copies all of its traits. This trait cannot copy traits specific to a species, mythical, or ancient traits.

Hoo boy, you were real scared the first time your scarvie grew gills. All those V-classes you talked to could only tell you that it wasn't in any particular danger and you shouldn't worry too much. Thinking back on it, you probably should have realized something was up when the water from your faucets came out all shiny, but now you're actually sort of thankful the city was illegally dumping mutagens into your water supply. People out there would kill for scarvies that metamorphize every few weeks! Specially ones as cute as this lil bugger! Make sure to feed it loads of fish!