Godforsaken Station


To Brad, with love.




Legendary Shy Thornhead
Born: 2023-03-01
Owner: Festerday
Artist: Monique
Positive Trait: They love you! This creature will never attack or harm you intentionally.

In the trash, you find a discarded letter, it reads as follows:

"To my dearest Bromie,

Sometimes I can't help but feel like in my chest, something is pounding, telling me "Hey dude, you should spend time with your bro," convincing myself that all my hours should be dedicated to you and you alone. You've been there for me at my lowest, at my highests, even at my latest team practice, just there to cheer me on.

Maybe it's like, dumb to think over, cuz brohood should always be fun and easy, but it's becoming so much harder to ignore that tight feeling in my heart that pulls me towards you.

This isn't weird, right? Please write back later if you read this."